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Hugo City Council Letter (POST-EDIT).pdf
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City Council Minutes
2024 CC Minutes
Solar Farm
Hugo City Council Letter (POST-EDIT).pdf
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to pay more for nicer views and for the character of a neighborhood. <br /> I tried to dig into the city code to understand the Council's written description of the character <br /> of the neighborhood and this is what I found: <br /> "The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood." and <br /> then Section (3) Spirit and intent, goes on <br /> stating "The granting of the variance would be in keeping with the spirit and intent of this <br /> chapter and with the policies of the city's comprehensive plan." <br /> don't mean this provocatively, but this wasn't of any help for me understanding what <br /> character of a neighborhood means. So I fall back on what character means from a society <br /> standpoint and Merriam Webster Dictionary's definition; and to me Character is "the qualities <br /> distinct to an individual". To me that is what character is. In society, we are often judged <br /> (rightly so) by our character. Who are we? What are we about? This is what defines us. <br /> To me the character of the neighborhood is just that. What defines our neighborhood, what <br /> qualities and characteristics does it have that makes it, us, and our home? <br /> We are a pocket of the Hugo community, whose character and charm is that of dozens of large <br /> lot single family homes, with dozens of acres of green grass, horses pasture, and other wildlife; <br /> surrounded by hundreds of townhomes that are flanked by these fields on one side and Oneka <br /> lakes on the other border. As a townhome community we take great pride in that character and <br /> our community. <br /> want to double down and add this point, that we, as citizens of the townhomes, take great <br /> pride in our neighborhood's character. But, I also want to provide written proof that the <br /> character and essence of our neighborhood matters to us! <br /> Lydia went through the MLS listings database that she has access to as a realtor, and just <br /> along the West side of Farnham Drive where the townhomes are located along the lots of <br /> Everton, she found 35 listings dating back to 2005. That is literally almost every single <br /> townhome that has a view of the horse pastures off Everton! <br /> These listings date back to 2005, when Pulte began building these townhomes! From the very <br /> conception of this neighborhood, there has been great pride and great value to the <br /> homeowners, that we have amazing views of untouched pasture with horses and wildlife! <br /> Again, people went out of their way to talk about the character of the neighborhood! Here is <br /> just one of the almost three dozen listing descriptions, but the rest are copied down below. <br /> ****** One of the nicest units in desirable Hugo neighborhood....Enjoy grazing horses and <br /> beautiful sunsets out front windows. Must see this feel-good home. ******* <br />
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