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I am not saying this sarcastically, but I don't know of one realtor or homeowner that would brag <br /> about "Sit out on your deck with a cup of coffee and enjoy the industrial view of the 12 acre <br /> solar farm". As someone with a real estate background, I know for a fact agents and <br /> homeowners would go out of their way to not mention a solar farm. People aren't anti- <br /> renewable energy. However, people are against having to stare at it up close everyday, in a <br /> home that in today's struggling real estate economy, are paying a premium hard-earned dollar <br /> to even own. <br /> Something I found of profound interest, is the fact there are several townhomes off of Farnham <br /> Ave that still have the same original owners... for 15-18 years. That is unheard of in <br /> townhomes. Just taking a guess due to our background in real estate, I am going to assume <br /> the views have something to do with it. Considering all the homes that don't have a view have <br /> sold a handful of times over the same period of time. <br /> I want to end with this: <br /> We, in Waters Edge, take great pride in our neighborhood. <br /> Lydia as a realtor doesn't know of a single townhome community that offers the views of the <br /> surrounding neighborhood of a lake and horse pastures, period. There aren't any townhomes in <br /> Blaine that offer these views (this character), nor are there townhomes in Forest Lake, White <br /> Bear lake, Maplewood, Stillwater, or Woodbury that offer a neighborhood with this character, <br /> charm, and aesthetics. <br /> Please, I ask of you as your constituent, don't take that away from us. <br /> I will end my letter with the listing descriptions from the townhomes along Farnham, French, <br /> and Evergreen that have a view of the fields off Everton. <br /> Again, 35 listings alone that proudly boast and bear witness to the character (charming view) <br /> that homes and the neighborhood offer. I could have pulled homes off Oneka to show of their <br /> listings boasting of the lake views, but that is not in question of being developed into a metal <br /> and glass solar farm. <br /> Thank you for hearing us on this matter. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Residents at Waters Edge. <br />