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C. Major emphasis shall be given to avoiding duplicate and similar sounding names, <br />and to attempt, if possible, to maintain a common theme, i.e., names of states, flowers, presidents, <br />etc., within a proposed development which is not similar to other existing developments. <br />D. The Washington County Uniform Street Naming and Property Number System (the <br />"Uniform Policy") is adopted for use in the City of Hugo as provided herein. <br />E. All suffix names presently existing shall be retained, and all future developments, <br />east and west streets will be Streets, and north and south streets will be Avenues. All other streets <br />shall be consistent with the Uniform Policy. <br />F. Existing street names shall be extended where practical. <br />G. Streets running northeast to southwest are called boulevards. <br />H. Streets running northwest to southeast are called roads. <br />I. Meandering streets, cul-de-sacs and other miscellaneous streets are named in <br />accordance with the attached chart. <br />104111111 <br />A. The Building Official shall assign to any property owner in the City, upon request, a <br />number for each principal building or separate front entrance to such building. <br />B. All properties or principal buildings within the City are allotted numbers in <br />accordance with the following numbering system: <br />Rev. 02/12/02 <br />1. The entire City shall be numbered with one thousand (1000) numbers per <br />mile. <br />2. East -west streets shall be numbered 4300 —10300. <br />3. The north -south streets shall be numbered 12000 —18000. <br />4. Odd numbers shall be assigned on the east and south sides of the streets, and <br />even numbers shall be assigned on the west and north sides of the streets. <br />5. Meandering streets shall be assigned house numbers as though the street <br />were straight north -south or east west. <br />6. Property numbers shall be assigned in general accordance with Part II of the <br />Uniform Policy. <br />FAI <br />