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City Council meeting of April 1, 1991 <br />Page 2 <br />McAllister made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the variance <br />application of Gary Ristow to construct a 936 square foot residential <br />garage on his property located at 17375 Henna Avenue, Hugo, MN. The <br />proposed garage is to be used for residential purposes only. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PLANS AND SPECS FOR CTP PHASE 2 <br />As per Council direction, the City Engineer has completed plans and specs <br />for the City's CIP, Phase 2. This project involves bituminous surfacing <br />and related improvements on the following roadways: 1:70th Street from <br />County State Aid Highway #8A west to Irish Avenue, Irish Avenue from 130th <br />Street south to County State Aid Highway #7, 125th Street from Goodvieai <br />Avenue east to Homestead Drive, 132nd Street from Goodview Avenue east to <br />County Road #8A, Homestead Avenue from 1.7.2nd Street north to 147th Street, <br />Henna Avenue (aha 128th Street) from 132nd Street south to Hilo Avenue, <br />and Hilo Avenue from Henna Avenue (a�%a 128th Street) south to 125th <br />Street. The scope of the project in question is the same as that <br />authorized by the City Council at the public improvement hearing in <br />November, 1990. The City Engineer was present on to review the plans and <br />specs, in detail, with the City Council. To pursue this project at this <br />time, the appropriate action, by the Council, would be adoption of the <br />proposed resolution approving the plans and specs and ordering the <br />advertisement for bids. <br />McAllister made motion, Jesinski seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1991-3, A <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT <br />FOR BIDS FOR C.I.P. PHASE, PROJECT #199(--)-i. <br />VOTING AYE: Brunotte, Jesinski, McAllister, Miron, Stolt man <br />VOTING NAY: None <br />METRO WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION PERMIT #2110 <br />Earlier this weeE;, the City received a notice from the MWCC regarding <br />their approval of a permit for the discharge of landfill leachate and <br />contaminated groundwater or special industrial waste into the metropolitan <br />disposal system. Apparently, this permit is being issued to J.R. Johnsen <br />Supply, Inc., of 5226 North Frenchman Road, Hugo, MN. Based on the <br />reporting requirements outlined in the permit, it would appear that this <br />activity is going to take place some time between January 1 and December <br />•_,1, 1991. Section C of the permit indicates that liquid wastes qenerated <br />would be transported by a MWCC permitted liquid waste hauler to the third <br />and commercial disposal site in St. Paul. In that there appears to be r-io <br />request to connect to the City's water or sewer system with regard to- <br />disposal <br />odisposal of contaminated groundwater, we can see no objection to the <br />permit being issued and monitored by the MWCC. <br />Miron made motion, Jesinski seconded, indicating to the MWCC that the City <br />of Huqo has no objection to the removal of landfill leachate and <br />contaminated groundwater, in accordance to Permit #2.110 issued by the MWCC <br />to J.R. Johnson Supply located at 5226 Frenchman Road, Hugo, MN., based on <br />the information provided. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />