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Ci-ty Council meeting of April. 1, 1991 <br />Page _ <br />REDUEST FOR USE OF PUBLIC FACILITIES <br />The City Council received a copy of a proposal from Chris and Steve Brown <br />requesting the use of the municipal tennis courts, west of City Hall. It <br />would appear to be the intent of the Brown's to set up a tennis league <br />that would operate on Tuesday nights from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM, starting <br />June 4, 1991 and ending August 20, 1991. The Brown's are also requesting <br />A $50.00 contribution from the City of Hugo for initial start-up costs, <br />including advertising, equipment, and other miscellaneous expenses. The <br />long-standing policy of the City Council has been that municipal part. <br />facilities are made available to all its residents on a first-come, <br />first -serve basis. The exception to that being the use of the part:: <br />facilities for Good Neighbor Days during the summer, and other specific <br />requests for conducting softball tournaments, which are addressed on an <br />individual basis. At our initial communication with Mr. Brown, he <br />indicated that the proceeds from the conducting of these tournaments would <br />be used to clean and maintain the tennis courts, as well as replace the <br />tennis nets. <br />M.i.ron made motion, Brunotte seconded, authorizinq Chris and Steve Drown <br />use of the Hugo tennis court facilities west of City Hall for a tennis <br />.league, subject to the followinq conditions: <br />1. At this time, authorization shall be on a one-time, trial basis. <br />2. No more than two courts can be tied up at any time for league play, <br />with one court being left open for the general public. <br />League play shall be limited to Tuesday nights from 6:7.0 PM to 9:00 PM <br />starting June 4, 1991 and ending August 20, 1991. <br />4. E>:cess money from this operation will be t::ept in an account and used <br />for replacement of tennis court nets. <br />5. On June 3, 1991, you must file a list of the names and addresses of <br />all participants in the league with the City Clerk's office. <br />6. You shall be responsible for the conduct of all league participants <br />while league play is in progress. <br />7. It is recommended that you make a large, temporary sign to be attached <br />to the entrances to the tennis court facilities, noting the use of the <br />courts for league play, with said signs being removed at 9:00 PM each <br />Tuesday night. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />It was suggested that the City determine the success of this proposal for <br />consideration in 1992. <br />LETTER FROM SONJA IRI -BEC.' <br />The City received a letter from Sonja Irlbeck regarding recent action <br />taken on the Goiffon gravel pit. No action was necessary. <br />CABLE TV LETTER <br />The City received a letter from Cable TV North Central regarding -the <br />addition of three levels of service. No action was necessary. <br />