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City Council meeting of May 6, 1991 <br />Page _ <br />Miron made motion, McAllister seconded, to approve the application of Jim <br />LeMoine for a variance to construct a 22' x 40' post -frame building on his <br />property located at 14451 Homestead Avenue (aka Lot 7 and Outlot A. Block: <br />2, Evergreen Hills 2nd Addition) 27' from the front property line and in <br />front of the principal residence. The proposed building is to be used for <br />residential purposes only. <br />All ave. Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE REQUEST (S. SEIDEL) <br />Mr. Stanley Seidel of 5626 142nd Street, Hugo, MN., has made application <br />to the City of Hugo for a variance to place a 12' >: 16' storage building <br />2' from the rear and side property lines. The property in question is <br />located in an SFU zoning district, and consists of approximately 11,550 <br />square feet. The side yard setback:: requirement in an SFU district is 5' <br />and the rear yard setback requirement is 5'. In reviewing the site in <br />question, it would appear that the applicant can meet the side yard <br />setback: requirement. There appears to be about 47' from the rear of the <br />house to the rear property lot line. The Board of Zoning Adjustments <br />considered this variance request at their meeting of April 24, 1991, and <br />recommended approval with no objections being voiced by adjoining <br />neighbors. <br />McAllister made motion, Brunotte seconded, to approve the request of <br />Stanley Seidel for a variance to place a 12' x 16' storage building 2` <br />from the rear and side property lines on his property located at 5626 <br />142nd Street. <br />All ave. Motion Carried. <br />REZONING REQUEST ( ARLINGTON PROPERTIES) <br />On behalf of Arlington Properties, of St. Paul, MN., Mr. Richard Schreier <br />has made application to the City of Hugo for the rezoning of a 45 acre <br />tract of land from Single Family Estate (SFE) to Single Family Urban <br />(SFU). The primary purpose of this request is to accommodate a small lot, <br />residential subdivision development some time in the future. The property <br />in question is located east of Highway 61, between 130th and 140th <br />Streets. With the exception of a small portion of land in the south east <br />corner of the site, the tract in question is located within the <br />Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA). The property abuts on an RR1 <br />district to the east, and SFE districts on the north, south, and west. <br />The City's Comprehensive Flan states that all residential lots, smaller - <br />than one acre in size within the MUSA, must be served by sanitary seater. <br />It is the intent of the developer to serve the site in question with <br />bituminous roads, storm water drainage, and municipal water and sewer. <br />The Hugo Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider this matter <br />at their meeting of April 24, 1991, and unanimously recommended approval <br />of the rezoning request. Greg and Sue Carlson, property owners directly <br />north of the property requested to be rezoned, were concerned with the <br />possibility of having to view the back: yards of six to seven homes. Their <br />hofi-,p is constructed on a =_ x 500' lot, and is only 7' from the property <br />line. Mayor Stoltzman suggested they meet with the developers to addre5 <br />their concerns. <br />