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City Council meeting of May 6, 1991 <br />Page 6 <br />On-site drainage shall be handled in a manner so as not to create a <br />public nuisance or Cause flooding on Freeland Avenue or on adjacent <br />sites. <br />4. The five monitoring wells located on the site shall be abandoned by a <br />licensed water-well contractor, as recommended by NOVA Environmental <br />Services, Inc. Documented proof Has been provided. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST FOR USE OF PARk:: FACILITIES (HUGO LIONS CLUB) <br />On behalf of the HUgo Lions Club, Mr. Joseph Vignalo has made application <br />to the City of Hugo to reserve City Hall Park. for Good Neighbor Days from <br />June -10, 1991. Their request is being made with the Understanding that <br />the Lions Club will be responsible for the activities on site as per <br />previous permits for the use of the part::. They are also requesting that <br />the City arrange for the necessary law enforcement. <br />McAllister made motion, Brunotte seconded, to approve the request of the <br />Hugo Lions Club to reserve City Hall Park: for Good Neighbor Days from June <br />3 through 10, 1991. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST FOR USE OF F`A.Rk: FACILITIES ( J . k::OST UJCH ) <br />Mr. John F:.oStUCh, Jr., has made application to the City of Hugo for use of <br />the parE, shelter and ballfields on Saturday, August 24, 1991. The purpose <br />of this request is to use the ballfields for a family reunion. <br />Miron made motion, Stolt man seconded, to approve the request of Mr. John <br />k;ostuch for use of the park shelter and ballfields on Saturday, August 24, <br />1991 for a family reunion. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICER RESIGNATION <br />The City received a letter from Mr. Brett F•:.oStUCh resigning his position <br />as 2nd Assistant Chief with the Hugo Fire Department. Although Mr. <br />Kostuch has indicated he wishes to remain in the department as a fire <br />fighter, he has indicated that the time commitment necessary for his new <br />job prohibits him from putting in the time necessary to serve as an <br />officer in the department. Although a specific date was not identified, <br />we would assume that Mr. k::ostuch's date of resignation is May 6, 1991. <br />The appropriate action by the City Council would be to accept Mr. <br />Kostuch's resignation and direct the City Administrator to proceed with <br />the appropriate action to interview candidates for filling of this <br />position on the Fire Department. Councilman Miron suggested that tt--ie Cite <br />Council get more involved in activities of the Fire Department and <br />indicated his concern with employee morale. It was suggested that the <br />Council take it Upon themselves to get involved if they feel it is <br />appropriate. Councilman McAllister stated that the City had an <br />administrator to deal with internal administrative problems. <br />