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1991.10.21 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1991 CC Minutes
1991.10.21 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of October 2.1, 1991 <br />Page <br />bituminous surfacing and related improvements for 130th Street from County <br />State Aid Highway #8A west to Irish Avenue, Irish Avenue from 130th Street <br />south-, to County State Aid Highway #7, 125th Street from Goodview Avenue <br />east to Homestead Drive, 132nd Street from Henna Avenue east to County <br />Road #8A, Homestead Avenue from 132nd Street north to 147th Street, Henna <br />Avenue (aka 128th Street) from 132nd Street south to Hilo Avenue, and Hilo <br />Avenue from Henna Avenue (aka 128th Street) south to 15th Street. Such <br />assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a <br />period of 15 years, the first of the installments will be payable on or <br />before the 1st Monday in January, 1992, and shall bear interest at the <br />rate of 8% per annum from the date of the adoption of the assessment <br />resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the <br />entire assessment from the date of the resolution until December, 1991. <br />To each subsequent installment, when due, shall be added interest for one <br />year on all unpaid installments. The owner of any properties so assessed <br />may at any time, prior to certification of the assessments to the county <br />auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest <br />accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no <br />interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days <br />from the date of adoption of this resolution; and he may, at any time <br />thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer, the entire amount of the assessment <br />remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December .51st of the year in <br />which such payment is made. Such payment mist be made before November <br />15th or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next <br />succeeding year. The proposed assessment roll has been on file for public <br />inspection at the City Clerk's office. The total amount of the proposed <br />assessment is $265,75.3.45. Written or oral objections will be considered <br />at the meeting Monday evening. No appeal may be taken as to the amount of <br />an assessment unless a signed, written objection is filed with the Clerk <br />prior to the hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the <br />hearing. The Council may upon such notice consider any objection to the <br />amount of a proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting. Any <br />property{ owner may appeal an assessment to the district court pursuant to <br />M.S. 429.091 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Cleric of <br />the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment, and filing <br />such notice with the district court within 10 days after service upon the <br />Mayor or Clerk:. The City staff recommended adoption of the resolution, as <br />submitted. The City Administrator reviewed each n4jection from the <br />October 7th City Council meeting, and explained why three of the <br />assessments were changed. After a lengthy discussion regarding an outlot <br />owned by Mr. Jim Lemo.ine, and agreement to assess the property as <br />buildable at this time, the following motion was made: <br />Brunctte made motion, Jesinski seconded, to sdopt RESOLUTION 1.991-19, 4, <br />RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENTS FOR CAPITAL IMSROVEMENT PROJECT, PHASE 2. <br />V3TIHG AYE! Barnes, Rrunotto, Jesinski, Miron, Stolt: man <br /> Ckrried. <br />WHITE BEAR PISTOL._ CLUB REQUEST <br />At the October- 7. 1991 regular weeting of the Hugo City Council, Mr. Roger <br />Hunt appeared, and made a. formal request to lease the Rice Lake Part-.- <br />building, <br />arL::t:,, at no charge, from the City of Hugo. Mr. Hunt requested use of <br />
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