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1991.10.21 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1991 CC Minutes
1991.10.21 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of October 21, 1991 <br />Page _- <br />the building for the gun club from November 18, 1991 to March .31, 1992. <br />This matter was tabled from October 7 giving the Council additional time <br />to consider this request. It was the consensus of the Council that to <br />lease the building to another gun club would be inappropriate in light of <br />all the tax dollars that have been spent to prevent use of the land by the <br />White Frear Rod and Gun Club, and purchase of the building and property. <br />Miron made motion, Jesinski seconded, to deny the request of the White <br />Bear Pistol Club to lease the Rice Lake Park: building from November 18, <br />1991 until March 31, 1992. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SPECIAL. USE PERMIT <br />On behalf of School District #624,_ Mr. Dave Brisson and the Hugo Skating <br />Club have made application to the City of Hugo for a Special Use Permit to <br />construct a warming house at the Hugo Elementary School (14895 Francesca <br />Avenue). The property in question is coned SFU, and consists of <br />approximately 9.75 acres. Currently, there is a hockey rink: on the <br />property, and it is the intent of the skating club to improve that <br />facility and provide additional recreational skating on site. The warming <br />house in question will serve both skating areas, and provide additional <br />storage for the school district. Mr. Brisson is requesting that the City <br />Council waive the public hearing process, which calls for a public hearing <br />before the Planning Commission, with legal notices published and mailed <br />notices sent to abutting property owners. Although nothing has been <br />submitted formally in writing, it is our understanding that the skating <br />club will also be requesting waiver of the permit fees. In the past, the <br />City has not waived permit fees for other governmental units. <br />Representatives of the Hugo Skating Club were present to review their <br />request and answer any questions of the City Council. Jim Gondek: stated <br />that labor for the project was "all volunteer".and that the School <br />District #624 would match Lions Club donations. Mr. Gondek: stated that <br />because of the weather restraints, they are asking waiver of public: <br />hearing process. Mayor Stolt man stated that the process was needed to <br />allow people living adjacent to the site an opportunity to comment on the <br />proposal, and that it was important that all people be treated equally in <br />the application process. Councilman Miron felt that because the hockey <br />rink: has existed for some time, he did not see any problem with waiving <br />the public hearing process for the warming house. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes =seconded, to approve the Special Use Permit <br />request of the Hugo Skating Club, and waiver of the public hearing process <br />for the construction of a warming house at the Huyo Elerr2ntary :_;t_hool. <br />located at 14895 Francesca Avenue. <br />All. aye. Motion Carried. <br />The Council felt it appropriate that all fees related to this project be <br />paid by the Hugo Skating Club. <br />C7A :r1r.- E AJAR 1 fIAN:F_: <br />Mr. Wayne Root of 12899 Henna Avenue, Hugo, MN., has made application to <br />the City of Hugo for a variance to construct a 0' x 40' pole barn between <br />
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