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City Council meeting of November 19, 1991 <br />Page ._ <br />48' X 72' pole shed prior to construction of a principal residence. This <br />request was discussed in detail by the City Council at its November 4, <br />1991 regular meeting. Mr. Rosse appeared before the Council questioning <br />why he needed this special use permit in that all his property is <br />homesteaded, and the building was going to be used for farming purposes. <br />There was a lengthy discussion regarding ownership of the roadway allowing <br />Mr. Rosse access to his property, construction of agricultural buildings, <br />and commercial businesses in pole buildings. It was agreed by the Council <br />that if Mr. Rosse held fee title to the roadway connecting all of the lots <br />he owns in this area, the Council would consider his property contiguous <br />and one parcel for development purposes. Mr. Rosse was to provide the <br />City staff with proof -of -fee ownership to the roadway. The Hugo Planning <br />Commission recommended approval of the special use permit request to use <br />the building for agricultural or residential purposes only, subject to the <br />following special conditions: <br />1. The structure in question shall be used for agricultural or <br />residential purposes only, and no commercial or industrial use of the <br />property will be permitted. <br />2. The property owner has ___ months (to be determined by City Council) <br />from time of special use permit approval to construct a principal <br />residence on site. <br />3. A financial deposit, in the form of a letter of credit or cashier's <br />check::, be provided to the City, in the amount of $0,000, assuring <br />compliance with this permit. <br />4. The City staff be permitted access to the site at reasonable times for <br />inspection to assure compliance with this permit. <br />5. This permit and approvals shall run with the land and shall be placed <br />can file in the office of the County Recorder. <br />S. f=ailure to comply with all conditions of the Special. Use Permit shall <br />be grounds for revocation of same and forfeiture of the financial <br />security required. <br />This matter was tabled from the November 4, 1991, City Council meeting <br />until such time as Mr. Rosse can provide more information on the ownership <br />of the private roadway providing access to his residence. Mr-. Rosse <br />indicated that he would like to be placed on tonight's agenda and have his <br />request considered by the City Council. Mr. Rosse stated that Washington <br />County now holds title to the easement., because Gerald Dabe failed to pay <br />taxes on the property. He stated that he was not interested in having any <br />conditions placed on his use of the building, and because his property wns <br />homesteaded, and the building was to be used for agricultural purposes, <br />the Council should just issue him a permit. Councilman Barnes stated that <br />she was not ready to ignore the existing ordinance, and allow construction <br />of the building without a special use permit. She felt that the real <br />issue is whether- the Council wants to nhange the ordinance to allow <br />accessory buildings on land that has no principal structure. Councilman <br />Miron agreed, and stated that review of this ordinance= should be a top <br />priority for the Council. Mr-. Rosse agreed to tabling his request until <br />May of 1991, to allow the Council,e to review, and possibly amend, this <br />ordinance. <br />Miron nude motion, Barnes seconded, to table the Louis Rosse application <br />for a SUP until the :1st meeting in May, 1992, to allow for Council <br />