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City Council meeting of November 19, 1991 <br />Page 4 <br />discussion of the ordinance regarding construction Df accessory buildings <br />without a principal structure. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Kurt and Jean Melancon of 1054 Conway St., St. Paul, have made application <br />to the City of Hugo for a variance to construct an oversized garage on <br />their property identified as 6480 125th 8t. No., Hugo, MN. The property <br />is located on 125th St. just east of Goodview Ave. The parcel is zoned <br />agricultural and consists of approximately 10 acres. The applicant is <br />requesting an attached garage, not to exceed 858 square feet, which <br />nxceeds the 720 sq. ft. allowed' The request in question is consistent <br />with the policy regarding oversized garages in agricultural districts. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the variance request of <br />Kurt and Jean Melancon to construct an attached garage, not to exceed 858 <br />square feet, on their property located at 6480 125th Street. The proposed <br />garage is to be used for residential purposes only. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />COUNCIL OLICY-RECOMMENDATION <br />The City Council received a copy of a letter from Mr' David Schumann <br />recommending Council policy regarding the renewal of service contracts an' <br />reinstatements. He indicates that the current situation for the Council <br />is frustrating, and does not give the City Council adequate time to <br />evaluate current services and benefit from competitive alternatives, where <br />available. He also suggests that competitive bids be considered for <br />services, which he feels would be a benefit to the taxpayers. He also <br />suggests that the Council members and the official newspaper be notified <br />three meetings prior to upcoming service contract renewals so that bids <br />can be taken. In recommending this policy, Mr. Schumann states, "Adoption <br />of this sort of policy would allow better thought-out decisions, it would <br />allow the Council to be more fiscally responsible to our public, and the <br />City of Hugo would be assured of superio.' services". Councilman Miron <br />agreed with Mr. Schumann, and Councilmember Barnes suggested the Council <br />Le provided with a list of service contracts that require annual renewal. <br />Miron made motion, Brunotte seconded, directing the City staff to <br />pstabiish a calendar o7 services and contracts requiring annual review, <br />and that these matters be placed on Council agendas three meetings prior <br />tc agreement expiration. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />COUNCI_ AGENDA FARATION'��JCY <br />Councilmember Debra Barnes has requested Council consideration of a chang' <br />of policy with regard to preparation of the Council agenda and cutoff <br />dates for same. Administrator Huber stated that administratively there <br />would be problem in getting Council packets out a couple days earlier. <br />