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City Council meeting of December 16, 1991 <br />Page _ <br />Brunotte made motion, Miron seconded, that the City retain 3L Services for <br />a three-month period for custodial services, at a cost of $65.00/week:, and <br />direct the City staff to advertise for other proposals. <br />VOTING AYE: Brunotte, Jesinski, Miron, Stolt man <br />VOTING NAY: Barnes <br />Motion Carried. <br />SET BOARD OF REVIEW DATES <br />The Washington County Assessor's Office is requesting that the Hugo City <br />Council confirm the 1992 local Hoard of Review dates. The initial Hoard <br />of Review is schedule for April 8th, with a second meeting on April 20th. <br />Brunotte made motion, Barnes seconded, that the City of Hugo set its Hoard <br />of Review for Wednesday, April 8, 1992, from 9:OOAM to 11:00AM, and <br />Monday, April 20, 1991, and 6:OOPM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ACCEPT UTILITIES FOR BIRCH TREE PONDSOND ADDITION <br />The City Council received a copy of a letter from Mr. Jim Merila <br />requesting that the City accept utility and street improvements for Birch <br />Tree Ponds 2nd Addition. The street improvements have already been <br />accepted for the purpose of winter maintenance only, and the issue before <br />the City Council would be to accept the utilities installed in this <br />development. <br />Brunotte made motion, Barnes seconded, to accept utilities for Birch Tree <br />Ponds 2nd Addition, and the warranty period for both utilities and street <br />improvements mould start this date (12/16/91), per the City Engineer's <br />recommendation. <br />. <br />All ave. Motion Carried. <br />PROPOSAL_ FOR WELL. ANIi WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS <br />Earlier this yoar, the City Engineer prepared a preliminary well and water <br />system; i.mprovement plan for Council review. This document was provided to <br />assist the Council in establishing its priorities for the upcoming year. <br />Thn prE-v: ous plan provided information regarding an overall long-range <br />plan for water -system improvements. The City Ciuncil has established <br />water --system improvements as its top priority for 1992. The report <br />provides a specific recommendation for what would be considered the <br />essential needs of the water system at this time. Said report calls for <br />construction of a new well, water main installation and replacement, as <br />well as construction of a 500,000 gallon' water -storage tank:. The <br />following factors were major considerations in determining the bys"_ <br />location for the well and tank:: <br />1. Proximity to existing well and water tower. <br />2. The ability to serve the existing residential areas between 120t.l� <br />Street and 130th Street. <br />