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City Council mooting of IJwt` oiri :; or 16, 1991 <br />Page 4 <br />_. <br />The ability <br />to serve <br />the industrial zoned areas of the City with <br />municipal water. <br />4. <br />The ability <br />to serve <br />future residential development on both sides of <br />Highway 61 <br />within the <br />City's Metropolitan Urban Service Area. <br />5. <br />Location of <br />existing <br />sanitary sewer. <br />6. <br />The ability <br />to serve <br />future commercial development adjacent to Highway <br />61. <br />The total estimated cost of the improvements, as proposed in the report, <br />is approximately 1.5 million dollars. When considering the needs of our <br />water system, and current interest rates for financing improvements of <br />this nature, this may be an ideal time for the City to pursue this <br />project. The City Administrator then introduced Mr, Ken Weber of the <br />Kuusisto Engineering firm who made a presentation regarding the proposed <br />improvements. He reviewed, with the City Council, the various options <br />Eonsi d@wd a End t:hp primary reasons for the recommendation being made. He <br />emphasized that the proposal reflects only a part of the overall <br />improvements needed for the long-term future of the community, and that <br />probably at a minimum, the Council should consider a well, water -main <br />extension, and a 500,000 gallon water tower. He discussed the volume and <br />pressure problems, as well as the need the serve the part of the City that <br />will be experiencing the most growth within the City's MUSA. Mr. Kuusisto <br />and Mr. Weber both answered various questions from the City Council <br />regarding considerations made with regard to this proposed improvement.. <br />The City Council reiterated its support for this needed improvement, as <br />well as the engineering work that was put into this proposal. The Counci <br />dial indicate its concern regarding spending 1.5 million dollars, and <br />wanted to be sure that an acceptable financing plan could be prepared that <br />would reflect little or no tax: levy to support this debt.. The Council did <br />.indicate that they would like to hold a hearing, and secure community <br />input before a final decision is made. <br />Miron made motion, Brunotte seconded, directing the City staff to develop <br />a series of financing options for water -system improvements for Council <br />consideration. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Councilman Barnes requested the staff to research how area -wide assessment <br />districts are used in helping finance this type of improvement. <br />SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT STUD`i <br />Approximately one year ago, the City Council authorized the City Engineer <br />to commence preparation of the ity's surface water-m:anagemeot study, s <br />required by Minnesota Statutes. Financing for this project waQ seat aside <br />several years ago, and ear mark:eC for this project. :lin(: o the City's <br />Comprehensive Flan has a major impact an the Nater management stuoy, both <br />studies are being done in tandem. The bull:: of the work:, at this point, <br />has been directed at updating the City's Comprehensive Flan, while w:= hav <br />started gathering data for preparation of the wator•-management study. <br />Mr=. Bill Price, the Kuusisto Engineering firm, then addresse <br />the Council, and made a presentation regarding the requirements for a <br />water -management study, and the purpose_ of said study. He briea4ly. <br />