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City Council meeting of February 20, 1990 <br />Page <br />5. It was recommended that the southeast property line of proposed Tract. <br />B be moved farther- to the west sr_+ that no portion of Hardwood Creed:: is <br />located in Tract-. B. <br />S. It was requested that the survey show property elevations,, and that <br />the designated flood zone A on this property be identified on the <br />survey. <br />The request for minor subdivision and waiver of platting had been tabled <br />from the Council meeting of 2s5190. It should also be noted that the City <br />staff recommended requiring the dedication of easements along the ditch <br />within flood zone A; however, the Planning Commission did not feel it <br />appropriate to require the easement at the time of subdivision. They felt <br />it would be more appropriate at the time of future land development. Most <br />of the above referenced staff concerns were discussed with the surveyor, <br />and said changes were going to be made on the survey; However, said <br />changes were not made and the City staff was notified by a letter dated <br />May 2, 1989 to no longer contact or deal with the surveyor. The <br />recommendations of City engineer, Howard Kuusisto, are a part of this <br />file. The City staff also indicated some concern regarding the manner in <br />which the lots were being split in that Onek:a Lake Boulevard could be <br />considered a physical division of the property which would be creating a <br />substandard lot on that portion of Tract A located west of Onek:a Lake <br />Boulevard. This type of division would probably be acceptable if it is <br />clearly documented that although Onek:a Lake Boulevard is a physical <br />separation between two parcels, each tract is considered a single lot and <br />not two lots. If the City Council acts to approve this minor subdivision, <br />the City staff recommends preliminary survey approval subject to special <br />conditions. <br />John Bannigan, attorney for the applicants, <br />addressed the <br />City Council and <br />presented <br />a letter outlining the position of <br />His. clients. <br />Mr. Bannigan <br />requested <br />the letter be reviewed by the City <br />Attorney, and <br />a response be <br />forwarded <br />to the City Council regarding any <br />jurisdiction the <br />City Council <br />may Have <br />regarding the subdivision-, of lots in <br />excess of 20 <br />acres as per <br />Ninnesota <br />Statutes.. <br />McAllister made motion, Jail seconded, that the George Schtowchan and Alex <br />aluckyj application for a. minor subdivision be tabled, and the staff be <br />directed to forward John Banni.gan's letter to Hugo's City Attorney to <br />address whether the City of Hugo, in this application, can legally require <br />a public drainage easement through this, subdivision in the area shown on <br />the National. Flood Insurance Chart, and the extent of the City's <br />jurisdiction in this matter. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />1=' RFORMs=tNCE EVALUATION C:. E . f.! . i F F.SOI... U- I i:JP# 1 <br />The City Administrator completed the performance evaluation of the City's... <br />Cade [=nforcement-. Officer, Mr. John Benson, and reviewed earlier by the <br />City Council. Consistent with previous Cita; practice,, the City staff is, <br />recommending that the base salaryof the .it;'_Ccr_(nrcr_erEr_ Ui'i_ <br />er, <br />