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City Council meeting of March 5, 1990 <br />Page 3 <br />question, a remodeling of the building, improving the parking lot, and <br />some landscaping improvements on site. Although the building is currently <br />in existence, the applicants are requesting a major change in its use that <br />will allow flammable and volatile chemicals to be stored on site. In <br />reviewing the site plan and discussing Mr. Crock tt's proposal to improve <br />the facility, the City staff emphasized the importance of compliance with <br />Fire Marshal regulations and meeting Building Code' Mr. Crockett has <br />indicated, in his submittals to the City, that he intends to fully comply <br />with all state and local requirements and recognizes the potential costs <br />of bringing this building into compliance. <br />Mr. Crockett and Mr. McGoldrick were present at the meeting, and stated <br />that they will comply with all City requirements, enclose the area with a <br />wooden fence, comply with the City's sign ordinance, and clean up the site <br />in question. Councilman McAllister was concerned with the amount of water <br />usage that will be generated by the business, and requested that a water <br />meter be placed on their well. Assuming that the cost of the meter would <br />not be astronomical, Mr. McGoldrick stated that he would install a meter <br />for their well -water use, and had no problem with the special conditions <br />recommended by the staff. <br />Atkinson made motion, McAllister seconded, to approve the Site Plan <br />request of George Crockett III and Brian McGoldrick to upgrade and remodel <br />an industrial building located at 5100 130th Street. The building is to <br />be used to house the production and distribution of products manufactured <br />by Phototech Products and Dyna Glass, Inc. Site Plan approval is subject <br />to the following special conditions: <br />1. No exterior storage of inventory, supplies or equipment be permitted <br />outside of the principal structure or fenced in area shown on the site <br />plan. <br />2. The employee parking lot as shown shall be improved with a bituminous <br />surfacing within 12 months of site plan approval. The required <br />financial security to be deposited with the City shall be as per the <br />City Engineers recommendation' <br />3' All building improvements must be made in compliance with the Fire <br />Marshals recommendations as it relates to structural improvements and <br />the storage of chemicals on site. <br />4. All structural improvement as proposed for the building must be made <br />in accordance with the Uniform Building Code based on the occupancy <br />classification as established by the appropriate regulatory authority' <br />5. No chemical or other materials used in the manufacturing of the <br />products by these two companies shall be disposed of through the <br />City's sanitary sewer system. <br />6' City Staff shall be provided access to the site in question at <br />reasonable times to assure compliance with the conditions of the site <br />plan approval. <br />7' The site in question shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary <br />condition at all times and in conformance with the site plan and <br />conditions of approval. <br />8. All chemical and materials disposed of in relationship to the <br />activities taking place on site, shall be made in conformance with the <br />Federal EPA and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regulations. <br />