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City Counc.i.l meeting of March r, 1990 <br />Pace 4 <br />9. Hazardous materials identification and locations must_ be maintained of <br />fi..le in the office of the City's volunteer fire department at all <br />times in conformance with Minnesota Statutes. <br />10. Failure to adhere to the site plan and special conditions container) in <br />this approval may be grounds for revocation of said approval. <br />1.1.. Applicants shall install a water meter to determine water consumption, <br />from on-site well. <br />12. All signs on site shall be in compliance with City regulations. <br />13. All outside storage shall be enclosed by a wooden fence as indicated <br />on the submitted site plan. <br />All ave. Motion Carried. <br />INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE FONDS REQUEST <br />In conjunction, with the site plan approval, Mr. George Crockett III is <br />formally requesting that the City Council consider endorsement of the <br />issuance of industrial development revenue bonds for the financing of <br />improvements and upgrading of facilities for Phototech Products and Dyna <br />Glass (5100 - 130th Street North, Hugo, MN). The City Council was <br />provided with a prospectus on the proposal in question. Of particular <br />interest to the Council may be the last section dealing with the benefits <br />anticipated as a result of this proposal. It is the intent of the <br />applicants to work: through the Washington County Housing and Redevelopment <br />Authority and secure a funding allocation from the State of Minnesota for <br />the issuance of these bonds. The City Council was provided with a sample <br />Joint Powers Agreement that the City would be required to enter into if <br />these bonds are to be issued. The advantage of using this type of <br />financing is the reduced interest rate available in today's market. This <br />financing can be done without any commitment by the City of Hugo to the <br />retirement of these bonds. The Joint Powers Agreement is temporary in <br />nature and is only in effect until the bonds have been issued and the <br />project is complete. Note Sections 5 & 6 of the sample_ agreement. if the <br />City Council is desirous of proceeding with this request:., the appropriate <br />action would be to refer the Joint Powers Agreement to the City Attorney <br />and City Staff for review and recommendations to the City Council. The <br />Council would then approve the Joint Powers Agreement at an upcoming <br />meeting at which time the paperwork: would be turned over to the Washington <br />County Housing and Redevelopment Authority for processing. Councilman <br />McAllister asked that City staff research what affect a default on the <br />bonds would have on the City's bond rating. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, that the City Council endorses the <br />issuance of industrial development revenue bonds for the financing of <br />improvements and upgrading of facilities for Phototechi Products and Dyna <br />Glass, Inc., 5100 130th Street. The City staff is directed to prepare a. <br />Joint. Powers Agreement between the City of Hugo and the Washington Count:.; <br />Housing and Redc=_vel.opment. Authority for Council review and approval. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />