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City Council meeting of March 19, 1990 <br />Page 2 <br />The City Attorney received a letter from Mr. John Branniqan, representing <br />the Zaluckyj's, requesting an opportunity to meet with the City staff to <br />work out conditions of concern to both parties. Under the circumstances, <br />the City staff has recommended that this matter be removed from the <br />Council agenda until Mr. Brannigan, the City Attorney, and City staff have <br />had an opportunity to discuss said issues. <br />8.1 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING AGREEMENT (WASHINGTON COUNTY) <br />The City Council received a copy of the annual Memorandum of Agreement for <br />yard waste composting, as submitted by Washinqton County, for their <br />review. Site maintenance funding has been increased from $2,(_)00 to <br />$2,40C), and monitoring expense has been increased from $2,500 to $4,100. <br />The County is also requesting extended hours as indicated in Section 4. <br />The one change that is currently being questioned by the City staff is <br />that which requires the City to name the County as an additional named <br />insured on the City's general liability insurance policy. In light of the <br />fact that both the City and County have indemnification clauses in the <br />existing agreement, the City staff cannot understand why this would be <br />necessary. Also questioned is the advisability of adding Subsection G to <br />the agreement as currently proposed although the balance of the agreement <br />would appear to be acceptable. If this language can be easily added to <br />our liability insurance policy at little or no cost to the City, than <br />Subsection G may be acceptable. City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager, reported <br />that the City's insurance agent, Gordy Beulke, had called the office and <br />stated that the compost site could be added to the City's insurance, and <br />the County can be named as an additional named insured, both at no cost tc <br />the City. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, authorizing the Mayor and City <br />Administrator sign the 1990 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR YARD WASTE <br />COMPOSTING between the County of Washington and the City of Hugo. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RECYCLING AGREEMENT - DROP OFF CENTER <br />The City Council received a copy of the Memorandum of Agreement for <br />drop-off center recycling, as submitted by Washington County, for their <br />review. The agreement has apparently been modified to meet the <br />requirement of the State under the new SCORE legislation. The agreement <br />appears to be consistent with our 1989 agreement. The amount of funds <br />available from the County, for funding of the drop-off center, is $1,365. <br />City staff recommends approval of the agreement subject to continued <br />operation of the recycling distribution center by the Boy Scout Troop. <br />The Council was also provided with a copy of the 1990 residential goals <br />established for cities and townships by Washington County for tl eir <br />rE_v iew. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, authorizing the Mayor- to sign the <br />1991 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR DROP OFF CENTER RECYCLING GRANT <br />DISTF�:IBUTION between thF• County of Wasihington and the City of Hugo. <br />Subject: to having an agreement for services with the Boy Scout Troop. <br />A31 ave. Motion Carried. <br />