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City Council meeting of October 1, 1990 <br />Page 2 <br />Ave., the garage would be lined up with the existing residence. It shoul( <br />be noted that it appears that the garage could be located farther to the <br />north on Lot 16 so as to minimize the variance from the front yard <br />setback. At their meeting of September 26, 1990, the Hugo Board of Zoning <br />Adjustments reviewed this matter and recommended approval of the variance <br />request, as requested. Councilman Olson stated that Mr. Waters has agreed <br />to construct the proposed garage farther to the north on Lot 16. <br />Olson made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the variance request of <br />Stanley and Claudia Waters to construct a 20' x 30' wood-frame, detached <br />garage on their property located at 12806 Ingersoll Avenue (aka Lot 13, <br />except the north 20', and Lots 14, 15, and 16 of Block 2, Sunset Park <br />subd.). Variance approval allows for construction of the proposed garage <br />20' from Ingersoll Avenue and 50' from the high water mark of Sunset Lake. <br />All aye. Motion Carried' <br />PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ACCEPTANCE (DELLWOOD RIDGE)- <br />Representatives of Keystone Builders have requested Council acceptance of <br />the grading, seeding, storm drainage, and bituminous roadway portions of <br />Dellwood Ridge subdivision. The City Engineer has recommended acceptance <br />of the improvements. It should be noted that upon acceptance of the <br />improvements, the one-year warranty period is activated, which affects the <br />financial security provided pursuant to the Development Agreement. It <br />should be noted that Keystone Builders is delinquent in their payment of <br />the bill for engineering, administrative, and other services. The balancs <br />due on their bill is $3,102.40. The City staff is not recommending <br />acceptance of these improvements until this bill is paid' Mr. Bob Kiewel <br />and Mr' Ron Santanni were present at the meeting, and requested an <br />explanation of charges against their deposit for the Dellwood Ridge <br />subdivison. The City Administrator reviewed the charges against the <br />deposit. They also asked that upon acceptance of the improvements, the <br />one-year warranty period be activated retroactive from the City Engineer's <br />letter to recommend acceptance of the improvements (08/30/90). <br />McAllister made motion, Olson seconded, that the City of Hugo accept the <br />grading, seeding, storm drainage, and bituminous roadway portions of the <br />Dellwood Ridge subdivision, effective 10/01/90. Acceptance of these <br />improvements is subject to Keystone Builders paying the invoice in the <br />amount of $3,102.40. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />BID ACCEPTANCE (BALLFIELD) <br />As per Council direction, the City called for sealed bids for improvement <br />of the municipal softball fields - Phase 1, north of City Hall. The City <br />sent plans and specs to three contractors; however, the City received only <br />one sealed bid for the work called for. Forest Lake Contracting was the <br />only bidder on this project, and their price of $57,246'30 was <br />significantly over the cost estimate. The options available to the City <br />Council, with regard to this bid, are as follows: <br />