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City Council meeting of October 15, 1990 <br />Page 3 <br />related drainage on 125th St. from Goodview Ave. east to Homestead Dr.; <br />132nd St. from Goodview Ave. east to County Rd. 8A; Inwood Ave. from 180th <br />south to 175th St.; 175th St. from Inwood Ave. west to Ingersoll Avenue; <br />Ingersoll Ave., from 175th St. south to 170th St.; Homestead Ave. from <br />132nd St. north to 147th St.; Henna Ave. from 132nd St. south to Hilo <br />Ave.; Hilo Ave. from Henna Ave. south to 125th St.; 130th St. from <br />C.S.A.H. 8A west to Irish Ave.; and Irish Ave. from 130th St. south to <br />C.S.A.H. 7. This improvement is to made pursuant to Chapter 429 of the <br />Public Improvement Code. The total estimated cost of this project is <br />$1,483,540. It is proposed to finance this improvement with the sale of- <br />public <br />fpublic improvement bonds. The estimated duration of the City's debt <br />service liability for this project would be 15 years, and the City staff <br />would propose to assess 21% of the actual construction cost, or $4.95 per <br />front foot, whichever is greater, against the benefitting property <br />owners. The cost estimate reflected in the enclosed feasibility report is <br />up from the original estimate of 1.2 million, as a result of the <br />following: <br />1. Anticipated increase cost in oil for bituminous surfacing' <br />2. Additional fill needed for road beds that cannot accommodate a 24 ft. <br />wide bituminous surface. <br />3. 130th St. and Irish Ave. improvements have been added to this <br />proposal. <br />The improvement of the proposed 8.53 miles of roadway, as reflected in the <br />feasibility report, is to be done consistent with current Council policy <br />on assessments and the City's approved capital improvements program. An <br />informal, technical hearing on this project will be held during the- <br />afternoon <br />heafternoon and evening of October 31, 1990, and the improvement hearing <br />will be held at 7:00PM on Monday, November 26, 1990 at the Withrow <br />Elementary School. If the City Council wishes to proceed with this <br />project, the appropriate action would be to adopt the resolution accepting <br />the feasibility report and ordering the public improvement hearing. <br />Councilman McAllister questioned the total estimated cost of the project <br />($1,483,540), stating that this would probably not be a good time to <br />advertise for bids, in light of the current world situation. It was <br />determined that it would be wise to go ahead with the public hearings at <br />this time. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1990-30, <br />RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING FOR HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT FOR <br />PHASE 2, CIP #1990-1. <br />VOTING AYE: Olson, Jesinski, Vail, McAllister, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: None <br />Motion Carried. <br />Earlier this month, the City was contacted by MNDOT regarding the <br />availability of grant funds for implementation of a safety -signing program <br />for the City of Hugo. The program would evaluate the City's road signs, <br />