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1990.10.15 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1990 CC Minutes
1990.10.15 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of October 15, 1990 <br />Page 5 <br />Forest Lake Contracting, in the amount of $7,745, for the installation of <br />a cul-de-sac at the terimination of 125th Street, just east of Fiona <br />Avenue. Financing of this improvement will be made with the deposit <br />provided by the developer. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />JUNK_AUTO COMPLAINT, <br />As per council direction, the City staff has conducted the necessary <br />inspection of the junked autos mentioned in a complaint received by the <br />City Council at their last meeting. The City's Code Enforcement Office <br />conducted an investigation, and found no violations of the City's <br />municipal code. A letter is to be sent to the complaintant. <br />BUILDING PERMIT REPOR <br />The City Council received a copy of the building permit report, prepared <br />by the Code Enforcement Officer, showing construction activities in the <br />City of Hugo from January 1990 to date. It should be noted the number of <br />accessory buildings and pole barns constructed during the 1990 calendar <br />year. The City staff thought this information to be interesting in light <br />of community rumors being spread indicating that the City Council no <br />longer allows pole barns to be constructed in the rural areas of the <br />community. <br />^ <br />Because of the installation of natural gas in the City of Hugo, the <br />Building Inspection Department is realizing a large volume of inspections. <br />Mr. Scott Holm's internship with the City is due to expire the end of <br />October, and City Administrator Huber requested Council authorization to <br />employ Mr. Holm until the building department workload decreases. <br />Atkinson made motion, McAllister seconded, to extend the employment of Mr. <br />Scott Holm until the City's Building Inspection Department workload <br />decreases. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mayor Atkinson informed the Council that he had held a personal press <br />conference on Wednesday, October 10th, responding to the cartoons <br />appearing in a local newspaper. <br />Councilman Jesinski reported that he had attended the Hugo Fire Department <br />Open House, and suggested that the City send a letter thanking them for <br />their efforts. <br />Mrs. Joyce Seever addressed the Council, and stated that she had talked to <br />Mary LaPlant, and the speed limit signs installed on Oneka Lake Boulevard <br />vary, depending on whether or not its good weather conditions or its <br />raining. Mrs. Karen Duraine addressed the Council, and inquired as to <br />whether or not the City "checked out" developers who do work in the City. <br />
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