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City Council meeting of November 5, 1990 <br />Page 3 <br />VARIANCE REQUEST (OVER -SIZED GARAGE) <br />On behalf of Georgiann Presbrey, Mr. Tim Bartylla has made application to <br />the City of Hugo to construct a 30' x 44' attached garage on Lot 2, Block <br />2, Countryview Acres, Hugo, MN (aka 6675 126th Street). The property in <br />question consists of 5.3 acres, and is zoned RR'::.. The City code limits <br />the square footage of attached garages to 720 square feet; however, the <br />Council policy has been to allow for variances of this nature until such <br />time as the City code is amended. This request is consistent with current <br />City policy regarding variances for over -sized garages. <br />Jesinski made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the variance request of <br />Tim Bartylla to construct a 30' x 44' attached garage on Lot 2, Block 2, <br />Countryview Acres (aka 8675 126th Street). The proposed garage is to be <br />used for residential purposes only. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REZONING REQUEST (M. WEGLEITNER) <br />At the request of the applicant, this matter was withdrawn from the agenda <br />until further notified. <br />SITE PLAN AP'P'ROVAL (RAMBERG/GRANGER <br />On behalf of Dan Ramberg, Mr. den Granger has made application for site <br />plan approval, and Council authorization, to land apply petroleum -contam- <br />inated soil on a 50' x 450' area located in the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of <br />Section 5, T31N, R21W, Hugo, MN. The property in question is located west <br />of the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and south of 175th Street. The <br />MPCA has approved the site and method of disposal of the contaminated <br />soil, and the Washington County Health Department has issued the required <br />license. In that the request in question is the first of its kind to come <br />before the City Council, the City staff was not sure how to handle this <br />request in light of the November 7th deadline for spreading this soil. <br />One of the methods of disposing of this type of soil, when the level of <br />contamination is less than 10,000 parts per million, is by applying this <br />material and mixing it with highly organic soil, then disking it on a <br />monthly basis for a specified period of time until the pollutants measure <br />less than 10 parts per million. It is the intent to spread approximately <br />151 cubic yards of soil over a 50' x 450' area on November 6, 1990. The <br />soils will then be disced on a regular basis beginning in the spring, and <br />the MPCA has indicated that because of the organic quality of the soil in <br />question, the soil should be well below the 10 parts per million by <br />August, 1991. The soils application will be made by A & B Construction, <br />and spread on a one-time basis over the area shown on the site plan in a <br />2" thickness. The contaminated soils report provided by MPCA indicates <br />that the soil contains no benzene, ethyl benzene, toluene, or xylene. The <br />soil contains 200 parts per million of fuel oil, and this is generally <br />regarded as a very low level of contamination, with 800 to 1,000 parts per <br />million considered to be a medium -to -high level. This site is located <br />450' from surface water, and the depth to the seasonal high-water table in <br />this area is 10' to 12'. In light of the fact that the contaminated soil <br />