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City Council meeting of November 5, 1990 <br />Page 4 <br />in question originated from the City of Hugo, has a contamination level o <br />less than 800 parts per million, and is a one-time land application, we <br />can see no objections to this method of disposal. <br />Vail made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the request of Ken Granger <br />for site plan approval to land apply petroleum -contaminated soil on a 50' <br />450' area located in the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 5, T31N, R21W, <br />Hugo, MN. Approval is subject to the following special conditions: <br />1. Spreading of this contaminated soil be on a one-time basis, and shall <br />be made between November 6, 1990 and November 19, 1990. <br />2. The quantity of soil shall be limited to 150 cubic yards, and be 2" <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RESOLUTION AMENDING FLAN CHECK AND MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES <br />As per Council direction, the City Code Enforcement Officer has reviewed <br />the City's building permit and plan -check fees. City's surveyed by the <br />building inspector were Lino Lakes, Forest Lake, White Bear Lake, <br />Champlin, Mendota Heights, Maple Grove, Mound, and Savage. The results of <br />the survey indicate that the City's building permit fees are in line with <br />those of other communities. The City's plan -check fee, however, is <br />currently set at 50% of the building permit fee, and most other <br />communities charge 65% of the building permit fee for plan -check review. <br />It was noted, however, that the City's mechanical permit fees are somewhat <br />lower than those of other communities. Currently, the City charges $15.00 <br />for replacement of central -heating system, and $15.00 for replacement of <br />air conditioning and zero -clearance fireplace installation. The City <br />staff is recommending an increase to $30.00 for replace of the <br />central -heating system and $20.00 for replacement of air conditioning. It <br />is recommended that the permit fee changes go into effect January 1, 1991. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1990-32, <br />RESOLUTION AMENDING PLAN REVIEW AND MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES. <br />VOTING AYE: Olson, Jesinski, Vail, McAllister, Vail <br />VOTING NAY: None <br />Motion Carried. <br />RESOLUTION SETTING 1991 SALARIES <br />The City Council has traditionally set the salaries for City employees in <br />October of each year in conjunction with the budget process. The proposed <br />spreading <br />thickness. <br />3. <br />Soils shall <br />be disced and <br />monitored as required by the <br />MPCA, and the <br />closing of <br />the site shall <br />be by MPCA. <br />4. <br />The level <br />of contamination <br />in the soil deposited should <br />not exceed 200 <br />parts per <br />million of fuel <br />oil. <br />5. <br />The soils <br />deposited on the <br />site must originate from the <br />City of Hugo. <br />6. <br />Copies of <br />the permits and <br />licenses from the Washington <br />Health Dept., <br />and MPCA <br />have been filed with <br />the City. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RESOLUTION AMENDING FLAN CHECK AND MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES <br />As per Council direction, the City Code Enforcement Officer has reviewed <br />the City's building permit and plan -check fees. City's surveyed by the <br />building inspector were Lino Lakes, Forest Lake, White Bear Lake, <br />Champlin, Mendota Heights, Maple Grove, Mound, and Savage. The results of <br />the survey indicate that the City's building permit fees are in line with <br />those of other communities. The City's plan -check fee, however, is <br />currently set at 50% of the building permit fee, and most other <br />communities charge 65% of the building permit fee for plan -check review. <br />It was noted, however, that the City's mechanical permit fees are somewhat <br />lower than those of other communities. Currently, the City charges $15.00 <br />for replacement of central -heating system, and $15.00 for replacement of <br />air conditioning and zero -clearance fireplace installation. The City <br />staff is recommending an increase to $30.00 for replace of the <br />central -heating system and $20.00 for replacement of air conditioning. It <br />is recommended that the permit fee changes go into effect January 1, 1991. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1990-32, <br />RESOLUTION AMENDING PLAN REVIEW AND MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES. <br />VOTING AYE: Olson, Jesinski, Vail, McAllister, Vail <br />VOTING NAY: None <br />Motion Carried. <br />RESOLUTION SETTING 1991 SALARIES <br />The City Council has traditionally set the salaries for City employees in <br />October of each year in conjunction with the budget process. The proposed <br />