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City Council meeting for November 19, 1990 <br />Page <br />5. Outside of the designated area, no mining shall take place with the <br />exception of removal of the stockpiled materials on site. <br />6. All mining on site must be in conformance with any special <br />requirements of the RCWD with regard to drainage issues. <br />7. The submitted site plan shall become a part of this permit. <br />7. This permit shall be considered void unless the applicant maintains <br />the required financial deposit and liability insurance as specified <br />herein. <br />8. This property shall be used for no other purposes than those <br />specifically identified in this permit. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />AUTO DISMANTLING LICENSE (MODERN AUTO FARTS) <br />On behalf of Modern Recycling, Inc., Mr. Roger Dupaul of P.O. Box -302, has <br />made application to the City of Hugo for renewal of his auto dismantling <br />yard permit for Modern Recycling, Inc., 16813 Forest Blvd. Mr. DUpaul's <br />permit expired October 3, 1990, and has now provided all the appropriate <br />information and application fee to process this permit request. <br />Jesinski made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the Auto Dismantling <br />License for Roger Dupaul DBA Modern Recycling, Inc., 168131 Forest Blvd. <br />North, legally described as follows: Part of the NE 1/4 of Section 8, <br />T31N, R 1W, Washington County, MN. The Auto Dismantling License will <br />expire October 3, 1991, and is subject to compliance with all requirement=_ <br />outlined in the previous permit, and the following two special conditions: <br />1. The hours of operation shall be 9:(:)C> AM to 5:0 PM, Monday through <br />Friday, and 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM on Saturdays. <br />2. All activities on site shall be limited to those permitted pursuant to <br />the provisions of Chapter 130 of the City Code, entitled "JUnk-yards <br />and Auto Dismantling Yards". <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RESOLUTION ADOPTING PARKING FINE SCHEDULE <br />As per Council direction, the submitted resolution was referred to the <br />City Prosecutor for review and a recommendation. In discussing this <br />matter with Mr. Richard Hocking, he indicated that the parking fines, as <br />ordered by the courts, have varied from $10 to $15 in the past. He stated <br />that although he had not experienced any appeals of the fines previously <br />levied, he felt that it made a lot of sense to have a uniform parking fine <br />schedule for all of the communities in Washington County. He stated that <br />a uniform schedule makes it a lot easier and less expensive for the court <br />system, and with uniform fines, they are more defendable in court. The <br />City Prosecutor has recommended approval of the enclosed resolution. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1990-36, A <br />RESOLUTION PROVIDING STANDARDIZED FINES THROUGHOUT WASHINGTON COUNTY. <br />VOTING AYE: JesinsF::i, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: None <br />Motion Carried. <br />