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City Council meeting of December- 17, 199E <br />Paqe <br />the exception of that portion of 132nd Street west of Homestead Avenue. <br />An alternate financing plan has been developed that would allow for eithe <br />the inclusion or exclusion of the west portion of 172nd Street in project <br />construction. Mr. Dill Fahey, representing Ehlers and Associates, was <br />present at the meeting to explain the present bond market, and answer any <br />questions. The Council -elect was present, and they indicated no objection <br />to proceeding with this bond sale, as proposed. Hearing no objection, the <br />following motion was made: <br />McAllister made motion, Jesinsk:i seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1990-42, <br />RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLIC SALE OF $1,2210,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION <br />IMPROVEMENT FONDS OF 1991. <br />VOTING AYE: JesinsE::i, McAllister, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: None <br />Motion Carried. <br />AUTHORIZE SALE OF TRUCk::/SURPLUS PROPERTY <br />Earlier this month, the City had the opportunity to purchase a vehicle for <br />the City's road supervisor to replace the vehicle he currently operates. <br />For over five years, the City has provided Mr. Charles Shalander with an <br />old truck:: purchased from Washington County, which is now in a very <br />dilapidated and hazardous condition. With the brakes failing, and over <br />170,000 miles on this vehicle, the City has been trying to secure other <br />transporation to meet Mr. Shalander's needs. When the opportunity <br />presented itself to purchase a 1977 Dodge Pickup truck: with 4,5(--)i) actual <br />miles on it, at a cost of $2,00i the City staff purchased it, and now <br />have a vehicle to replace Mr. Shalander's truck:. The City staff is <br />requesting Council authorization to declare the 1979 Ford truck: surplus <br />property, with a value of under $500, and direct the: sale or disposal of <br />this vehicle prior to the first of the year, if possible. <br />Atkinson made motion, McAllister seconded, authorizing City staff to <br />declare the 1979 Ford truck as surplus property, with a value of under <br />$50t_r, and authorize the sale or disposal of this vehicle prior to January <br />1, 1991, if possible. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />R I CE LAF::E PARS::: ACE -1U I ST I ON <br />The City Council received a draft resolution authorizing settlement of the <br />White Frear Rod & Gun Club lawsuit, and disbursement of funds for purchase <br />of park land. Earlier this month, the City received a Commissioners' <br />order from the courts valuing the WBR84GC property in excess of $3222,000. <br />F•::eeping in mind the funds available to the City for the purchase of this <br />land, the City staff met with representatives of the WBR&GC to negotiate a <br />settlement -purchase price for this property. The proposed resolution <br />comes to the City Council with the recommendation of the City Attorney and <br />City Administrator, establishing a purchase price of $290,000, as well as <br />the other items identified in the resolution. Attached to the resolution <br />