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City Council meeting of December 17, 1990 <br />Page 4 <br />1. Review and recommendations of the City Engineer and City Attorney. <br />2' The road could be improved to a point approximately 300' south of <br />Farnham Avenue, with said road being constructed to City specs. <br />3. Wilson Tool agrees to either petition for the blacktopping of this <br />road within three years from this authorization by the City, or that <br />they will not object to any assessments for the bituminous surfacing <br />of this roadway, if initiated by the City. <br />It was agreed that once Wilson Tool built this roadway, the City would <br />plow and maintain it. City Engineer, Howard Kuusisto, reported that the <br />road in question was built to City specifications, and the City could <br />accept it for maintenance at this time, with the understanding that the <br />road would be blacktopped within the next couple of years' <br />VARIANCE REQUEST (R. ANDERSON) <br />Mr. Roger H. Anderson has made application to the City of Hugo for a <br />variance to move an existing home on to his property described as the SE <br />1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 1, T31N, R21W, Washington County, MN (P.I.D. <br />93001-2250). City code requies a minimum ground floor area of 800 square <br />feet, and the structure being moved by Mr. Anderson, contains only 720 <br />Square feet on the ground floor. Total square footage of livable area in <br />this home is in excess of 1000 square feet' At the time Mr. Anderson <br />purchased this property from Mr. Joe Thill, it was his understanding that <br />the building was 26' x 30'. It should be noted that this request has not <br />been reviewed by the Board of Zoning Adjustments as is normally required. <br />Mr. Anderson, in his declaration of hardship, has indicated that he is in <br />a bind with regard to the City codes on getting this building placed on <br />site prior to the ground freezing. He is requesting that the Council <br />waive the review requirement by the Board of Zoning Adjustments, and grant <br />him a variance, based on the fact that he thought the building met minimum <br />code requirements at the time of purchase, and has to get this building <br />put on a foundation as the house movers are going to be removing the <br />support beams shortly' The City Code Enforcement Officer indicates that <br />the septic system has been approved by the Washington County Health <br />Department, and the site appears to meet all other municipal code <br />requirements as currently proposed' The City suggests, however, that if <br />the City Council approves this variance and authorizes Mr. Anderson to <br />proceed, that he assure the City this home will be provided direct access <br />to Keystone Avenue, and that the driveway to this building be maintained <br />so as to be accessible to public safety equipment at all times. <br />Vail made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the variance request of Roger <br />Anderson to move an existing 720 square foot home on to his property <br />described as the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 1, T31N, R21W (P.I.D. <br />93001-2250). City code requires a minimum ground floor area. Mr. <br />Anderson's hardship is that he is in a bind to get this building placed <br />on-site prior to the ground freezing, as was not aware of the square <br />footage requirement at the time this structure was purchased. <br />All aye' Motion Carried' <br />