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1989.02.21 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1989 CC Minutes
1989.02.21 CC Minutes
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10/26/2017 1:45:20 PM
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City Council
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City Council meeting of 2/21/89 <br />Page 2 <br />1. There shall be no exterior storage of equipment or materials except <br />during construction of the 40' X 70' addition to the existing <br />building. <br />2. No development shall be permitted in the drainage easement. <br />3. Minimum floor elevations for structures on site shall be established <br />at 939.9 ft' <br />4. All improvements shall be as per the approved site plan. <br />5. All buildings are to be used for office space and storage of hand <br />tools as specified in the application. <br />6. No manufacturing is to be allowed on site. <br />7. All signing shall be as per the city sign ordinance. <br />8. One properly signed handicapped parking stall shall be provided. <br />9. All refuse and trash shall be removed from the site on a regular basis <br />and in an acceptable manner. <br />10. A designated easement on the approved site plan shall be dedicated to <br />the appropriate governmental agency and properly recorded by the <br />developer. <br />11. The tractor trailers and unapproved storage on site shall be removed. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DELLWOOD HILLS SUBDIVISION - PRELIMINARY PLAT) <br />Ms. Irene Arcand and Robert Kiewel have made application to the City of <br />Hugo for the subdivision of a 160 acre tract of land zoned RR2 and <br />generally described as follows: The eastern 1/2 of the southeast 1/4 of <br />Section 33, T31N, R21W and the western 1/2 of the southwest 1/4 of Section <br />34, T31N, R21W, in the City of Hugo. It is the intent of the applicant <br />and owner to subdivide the property into 32 lots consisting of 5 gross <br />acres each. The property in question was rezoned by the city council to <br />RR2 in June of 1988. It is the intent of the developers to serve the lots <br />in question with on site wells, septic systems, LP gas, and electricity. <br />Access to the site will be from County Rd. 10 on the south and from 125th <br />St. on the north' The developer will also be responsible for any interior <br />bituminous surfaced roadway system, as well as curb and gutter in areas <br />required by the city engineer. Copies of the preliminary plat have been <br />reviewed by the Washington County Engineering Dept. Copies of the plat <br />were also submitted to Grant Township, and they replied stating that they <br />have no problems with the plat' The city engineer has reviewed the plat <br />in question and his comments are a part of the record. The developers <br />have assured the city that they will try to preserve as many of the <br />natural features of the site as possible. All lots within the development <br />have access to the interior roadway system with the exception of Lot 2, <br />Block 2 and Lot 2, Block 3. The applicants have secured the necessary <br />permits from RCWD. The percolation tests were also completed and reviewed <br />by the city inspector and Washington County. Based on the reports <br />provided, all proposed lots appear to meet or exceed city requirements. <br />The developers were made aware of how close this development is to the <br />Bald Eagle Sportsman's Club site to the west, and the developers agreed to <br />find some method of notifying potential landowners by use of restrictive <br />covenants or language in purchase agreements that will identify the <br />existence of the gun club and the noise related thereto. The intent of <br />the city is to avoid problems in the future involving complaints related <br />
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