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A ^J <br />City Council meeting of 2/21/89 <br />Page 4 <br />9. The restrictive covenants shall be provided prohibiting the sale of <br />any portion of Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, of the approved preliminary <br />plat' <br />10. Restrictive covenants shall prohibit the construction of any <br />structures or making any permanent improvements in the easements or <br />wetlands identified on the plat except as permitted herein' <br />11. On-site drainage easements and holding ponds shall be maintained by <br />the property owners. <br />12. On-site grading may proceed prior to plat recording at the developer's <br />own risk after the required letter of credit is filed with the city. <br />13. No direct driveway access shall be permitted to County Rd. 10. <br />14. Driveway access for Lot 8, Block 3 shall be located at the northwest <br />corner of the lot' <br />15. The developer shall make every effort to retain and protect as much <br />natural vegetation and wooded areas on site as possible. <br />16. Slopes and slope easements as recommended by the city engineer shall <br />be provided. <br />17. All lots abutting on 125th St. will be subject to possible assessments­;- <br />for <br />ssessmentsfor the improvement of 125th St. in the future. <br />18. It is recommended that the restrictive covenants address the housing <br />of non-domestic animals within this subdivision development. <br />19. Street light installation shall be the responsibility of the developer- <br />and <br />eveloperand provided as per NSP requirements' <br />20. A copy of all roadway design documents shall be submitted to the city <br />engineer for review and a copy placed on file with the city clerk' <br />21. The developer shall enter into a development agreement with the City <br />of Hugo covering the items herein noted as well as others agreed upon <br />by the city and developer. <br />22. It is recommended that the restrictive covenants for this development <br />address the construction of pole barns and other accessory buildings' <br />23. The developer shall be responsible for the improvement and completion <br />of all ditch/drainage systems at the time of grading and road <br />construction unless an underground system is installed. <br />24. All development on site shall be as per the preliminary/final plat and <br />design plan approved by the city' <br />25. Street naming to be reviewed by city staff. <br />26. Compliance with the recommendations of the city engineer. <br />All aye' Motion Carried' <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION - (fF <br />Fred and Mary Macalus have made application to the City of Hugo for the <br />subdivision of a 62.7 acre tract of land into two 10 acre tracts and one <br />42.7 acre tract' The property in question is zoned agriculture and <br />conservancy. It is the intent of Mr. Macalus to convey Tract C of the <br />survey to his son. All of the tracts in question have frontage on a <br />public roadway and meet lot width requirements' Mr. Macalus is requesting <br />a variance from the formal platting procedure and the ten acre requirement <br />to allow for a lot slightly under ten acres in size. At the October 26, <br />1988 regular meeting of the Planning Commission, a public hearing was held <br />