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1989.03.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1989 CC Minutes
1989.03.20 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of 3/20/89 <br />Page 2 <br />acres of which a part is developable, and a portion is protected <br />wetlands. The city engineer is currently in the process of reviewing the <br />site plan, and has indicated he will have a report for presentation to the <br />City Council Monday evening. In addition to the comprehensive drainage <br />plan, the staff also requested that Mr. Wilson prepare a tentative <br />development plan for the area indicating what property Wilson Tool owns, <br />and a projection on their phasing of development for the area. Phase 1, <br />Area A involves the construction of a bituminous surfaced parking lot to <br />accommodate 137 vehicles south of the existing Wilson Tool building. This <br />proposal also involves a drainage plan to ultimately serve Phase 2 as <br />identified on the site plan. The developers note that access to the <br />parking lot from 130th Street will be via a 28' wide concrete paved area <br />east of the Wilson Tool building. It should be noted that the access area <br />in question is currently a parking lot, and it is the intent of the <br />developers to channel their traffic through an existing parking area to <br />get to the proposed new parking area. We have advised the applicant that <br />this is not a good practice from a safety standpoint, and they should <br />consider elimination of the parking on at least one side of the proposed <br />south parking lot access. Area B in Phase 1 calls for the installation of <br />a one-year ponding area with rate control and baffle/skimmer as per RCWD <br />standards. The L-shaped pond is to provide storage and an outlet to <br />control the future rate of runoff equal to the existing rate. The <br />developers have indicated that the pond is sized to provide rate control, <br />under full development, for all of Wilson Tool property as well as the <br />area at the southeast corner of 130th Street and Farnham Avenue. Area B <br />involves the grading and borrowing of soils from the southwest to <br />construct pond dikes. Area C of Phase 1 involves the filling of the <br />existing pond and grading it to a level elevation for a proposed building <br />site in Phase 4 of their development plan. The existing Wilson Tool <br />building drain is to be extended westerly to the existing ditch. This <br />area is to receive topsoil and seeding. <br />The applicants have informed us that their drainage plan has been approved <br />by the RCWD although copies of the permit have not been provided to the <br />city. In addition to the comments forthcoming from the city engineer, the <br />staff would also like to note the following with regard to this plan: <br />1. The applicant refers to the proposed ponding area 1-B as a one-year <br />ponding area. We are not familiar with that term nor do we understand <br />what it's capabilities are with regard to handling the runoff during a <br />heavy rainfall. <br />2. The access to the large parking lot in Phase 1-A is marginal, at best, <br />and may result in major internal traffic problems for Wilson Tool. <br />3. The developers should look to the possibility of improving Farnham <br />Avenue in the near future to serve it's future development needs' <br />4. The City Council should consider concept approval only for the overall <br />site plan. <br />5. Subject to the city engineer's recommendations, and securing other <br />required permits, we can only recommend approval of Phase 1 <br />improvements at this time. <br />It was noted in the letter from Comstock & Davis that they identify the <br />wetlands to the south of the site in question as the primary area for <br />
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