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/�' <br />� <br />/�/m <br />City Council meeting of August 211 1989 <br />Page 2 <br />Street North does not exist. There is no such road in this area, and <br />based on other surveys of record, this roadway was not dedicated to the <br />City, and it is very unlikely that it will ever by constructed. The site <br />in question is identified as two parcels: one is Lot 11 and one is Lot 12 <br />of a subdivision plat that was never approved by the City Council. The <br />legal description on the site, however, indicates this is a single parcel <br />of land, and has been treated accordingly by the City Council' The total <br />parcel in question is approximately 168' in width and 574' in length. <br />There is a 10' utility easement on the west and south borders of the <br />site. It does not appear that the satellite in question will interfere <br />with any of the other site features, and that said proposal appears <br />consistent with the original SUP. <br />Jesinski made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the application of <br />Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc., for a site plan to construct one additional <br />satellite antenna dish in the Peloquin Industrial Park, identified as Lots <br />11 and 12 on the submitted site plan. Hubbard Broadcasting has agreed to <br />perform the following in conjunction with the approved site plan: <br />1. Enlarge fence line to include new antenna construction area. <br />2. Install buried electrical conduit running from existing equipment <br />building to the foundation site. <br />3. Construct antenna foundation. <br />4' Erect a 35' high antenna. <br />5. Connect the AC power from equipment building. <br />6. Connect antenna to satellite equipment. <br />7. Provide required drainage easement deeds as shown on site plan. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />BUILDING SETBACK VAR1AN10E_JPRINgL_:' <br />Mr. Richard Pringle has made application to the City of Hugo to construct <br />a 40' x 60' pole barn between his home and 170th Street at 4975 170th <br />Street, Hugo, MN. City ordinances require that accessory buildings not be <br />located between the principal structure and the front property line' <br />Although the accessory building in question would be located in front of <br />the house, it would still be 360' from centerline of 170th Street North. <br />It is the intent of the applicant to use the building in question for a <br />horse barn and residential storage. It should be specified that no <br />commercial activity will be allowed in the building in question. The <br />property is zoned agricultural, and contains approximately 10 acres' <br />Approval of the variance request would be consistent with previous Council <br />action regarding sites of this nature; however, said approval should <br />clearly indicate that the building in question can be used only for <br />residential—related purposes, and cannot be used for any type of <br />commercial or manufacturing activity. <br />Olson made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the variance application of <br />Richard Pringle to construct a 40' x 60' pole barn between his home and <br />170th Street, at 4975 170th Street. No commercial/industrial activity <br />will be allowed. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />