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/0� <br />City Council meeting of August 21, 1989 <br />Page 3 <br />Mr. Steve Hartman has made application to the City of Hugo for a variance <br />to construct an oversized garage on his property located at 4920 Gallivan <br />Court, Hugo, MN (aka Lot 8, Block 1, Bald Eagle Estates). The property in <br />question is zoned SFE, and is approximately one acre in size' The maximum <br />garage square footage allowed in an SFE district is 720 square feet, and <br />Mr. Hartman's request is for a 900 square foot attached garage. Approval <br />of this variance, by the City Council, should be subject to compliance <br />with the restrictive covenants for Bald Eagle Estates with the <br />understanding that the garage will be used for residential purposes only. <br />Vail made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the variance request of Steve <br />Hartman, 4920 Gallivan Court (aka Lot A. Block 1, Bald Eagle Estates) to <br />construct a 900 square foot attached garage for residential purposes only. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the variance request of <br />C. Brimmer, 4908 120th Street North (aka Lots 12-15, Block 6, Shadyside <br />No. 4, Bald Eagle Addition) to construct a covered porch 44' from 120th <br />Street. City ordinance requires a 50' front yard setback in the SFE zone. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Representatives of the FLYSB requested an opportunity to appear before the <br />City Council to make a presentation regarding their activities in the past <br />year. A request was made for 1990 funding in the amount of $2,630. The <br />bureau's representatives were informed that their request will be <br />considered at budget time. <br />On behalf of the Peltier Lake Association, Mr. Wayne LeBlanc requested an <br />opportunity to appear before the City Council to request City support o-- <br />an <br />fan MPCA grant to study the water quality of Peltier and Centerville <br />Lakes. In reviewing this request, the Council considered the following: <br />1. The surface water drainage system in the City of Hugo does outlet into <br />the Lino Lakes area, and it is our understanding that drainage may <br />outlet into both Peltier and Centerville Lakes. <br />2, A request to fund water quality studies for lakes outside of the City <br />of Hugo may be viewed with some scepticism by the private lake <br />associations within the City of Hugo. <br />Mr. LeBlanc appeared before the Council requesting support and a financial <br />contribution as a part of a local grant match to the HPCA to study the <br />water quality in the watershed which runs into Peltier and Centerville <br />