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0 /,Z <br />City Council meeting of September 5, 1989 <br />Page <br />w. Add the City Council to the City's workman's comp coverage. <br />3. Increase monthly rent from Northwestern Hell. <br />4. Delete Brown's Creek: from the general fund expenditure, and assess the <br />benefiting properties. <br />5. Consider budget item for "ambulance/paramedic" training. <br />b. Consider budget items for Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau and White <br />Hear Counseling. <br />7. Possible increase in the Mayor/Council salaries. <br />NEW LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION (R . J . ' S/M I NE i ILIN <br />On behalf of MINE, Inc., Ms. Gayle Hammond has entered into a purchase <br />agreement and contract for deed to acquire R.J.'s Lounge, Restaurant, and <br />Motel from Mr. Ron Schloer (R.J.'s Restaurant -Lounge and Motel, Inc.). <br />This purchase was made subject to securing the on -sale liquor license <br />currently held by R.J.'s Lounge and Restaurant„ Inc. In addition to the <br />on -sale liquor license, Ms. Hammond is making application for an off -sale <br />liquor license and Sunday on -sale liquor. The appropriate surety bonds <br />have been provided as well as the required liquor liability insurance. <br />The background investigation has been completed by the Washington County <br />Sheriff's Department, and they have indicated no violations that would <br />prohibit issuance of this license. The Articles of Incorporation for <br />MINE, Inc., have been provided, and the sole officer and director of the <br />corporation is his. Gayle A. Hammond. his.. Hammond has served as the <br />manager of R.J.'s Restaurant and Lounge for over a year, and law <br />enforcement officials have indicated that they have had no problems with <br />the manner in which the lounge has been operated. The city clerk has <br />indicated that all documents appear to be in order, and there appears to <br />be no reason for denial of this application. Also included is approval of <br />cigarette and game Licenses for MINE, Inc., at R.J.'s Restaurant and <br />Lounge. <br />Fail made motion, Olson seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1989-15, A <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING LIQUOR AND RELATED LICENSES FOR R.J.'S LOUNGE/MINE <br />INC. <br />All ave. Motion Carried. <br />ROGER DUPAUL (AUTO DISMANTLING LICENSE <br />Olson made motion, Jesinski seconded, to approve the Auto Dismantling <br />License for Roger Dupaul DBA Modern Auto Farts, 16817 Forest Boulevard <br />North, legally described as follows: Fart. of NE 1/4 of Section S. T.31N, <br />R21W, Washington County, Minnesota. The Auto Dismantling License will <br />expire October .?, 1990, and is subject to compliance with all requirements <br />outlined in the October, 1988 permit signed by Mr. Dupaul for Modern Auto <br />Parts. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />C; I P CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE EXTENSION <br />Valley Paving, Shakopee, MN., has requested an extension of their <br />construction time for completion of the City's CIP road construction, <br />