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City Council meeting of September 5, 1989 <br />Page _ <br />project currently underway. When this project was originally bid by <br />Talley Paving, an August 15th deadline for completion was quoted. The <br />city engineer's office has indicated that in light of some changes the <br />City has made in the project, an extension might be warranted. The City <br />staff can see no problem with extending the completion date for this <br />project to September 18, 1989 with the understanding that the contractor <br />will be held fully responsible for all repairs to shoulders and bituminous <br />surfacing caused by erosion or other means as a result of not completing <br />the project under the originally proposed schedule. On two occasions, the <br />contractor has left the project for extended periods time, leaving t!-iC: <br />roadways in a partially completed condition to do roadwork:: in other <br />communities. The City staff feels that the City should not be financially <br />responsible for repairs to the shoulders, ditches, and other work along <br />the roadway as a result of leaving the project uncompleted after the <br />originally proposed August 15th deadline. <br />McAllister made motion., Atkinson seconded, that the City of Hugo <br />reluctantly extends the completion date for the CIF` road construction <br />project until September 30, 1989 subject to ompleting the base contract <br />work and all change orders. The $100 per day penalty will be imposed if <br />work is not completed by the 9/30/89 deadline. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VA 14NCE FOR GARAGE SIZE (U . .FEV0I R ) <br />Mr. nave Revoir, 5.361 165th Street, has made application for a variance to <br />construct a 780 square foot attached garage. This exceeds the maximum <br />square footage required by approximately 60 feet; however, the request is <br />consistent with the Council's practice of allowing oversized garages that <br />do not exceed the square footage of the residential dwelling. The <br />applicant has indicated that the garage will be used for residential. <br />purposes only. <br />Jeasinski made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the variance request of <br />Mr. Dave Revoir, 5361. 165th Street North, to construct a 90 square foot <br />attached garage for residential purposes only at the address noted herein. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />:IAF; I PNCE PDR GARASF . S I E-__.: Ri__D JCKSTAD i <br />On behalf of Mr. Richard Duckstad, the South Lake Construction of Forest <br />Lake, Inc., has made application to the City of Hugo for construction of <br />an oversized garage on said property located at 6950 177th Street, Hugo, <br />MN. It is the applicant's intent to construct a 864 square foot attached <br />garage exceeding the maximum 720 square foot requirement by: approximately <br />144 square feet. This request is consistent with the Council's practice <br />regarding authorizing oversized garages that do not exceed the _square <br />footage of the residential dwelling. The property in question is zoned <br />conservancy, and consists of approximately 10 acres. The site is located <br />on 177th Street., approximately 700 1'f.:et t-a`_.t:. of Greystone Avenue. <br />