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City Council meeting of September 5, 1989 <br />Page 5 <br />depth. The request in question would allow <br />the side yard within 1: 1/2' of the existing <br />staff has some concern regarding_ the extent <br />the fact that a typical parking stall. is 10' <br />distance between the proposed garage and the <br />than the standard depth of a parking stall. <br />the garage to encroach into <br />roadway easement. The City <br />of this variance in light of <br />wide and 18' deep. The <br />existing right-of-way is less <br />Mr. Inman was present at the meeting, and after Council discussion of the <br />request, agreed to amend his application and move the proposed garage <br />further north and west, thereby requiring a 10' variance to the <br />requirement. Mr. Inman was informed that he will need to submit a revised <br />site plan indicating the change in the location of the proposed building. <br />Atkinson made motion, Je=_•insk:i seconded, to approve the variance request <br />of Mr. Curt Inman at 5.398 145th Street, to locate a 22 „ 30' detached <br />garage on said property 10' into the required side yard setback: <br />maintaining a 0' side yard and the required rear yard setback::. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />"rJE.IC�HiC�F:HCiCif? llAl CH" PROGRAM <br />The City had received a letter from the Washington County Sheriff's Office <br />regarding establishment of Neighborhood Watch meetings in the City of <br />Hugo, and requests the cooperation of the City with regard to installation <br />of a. "NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH" sign at the entrance to developments that become <br />part_ of the Neighborhood Watch program. The estimated cost of the signs <br />is $10.00 each, and the Sheriff's }Department approves the release of the <br />sign_ for placement in the community. <br />McAllister made motion, Jesinski seconded, advising the Washington County <br />Sheriff's Office that the City of Hugo agrees with the concept of the <br />Neighborhood Watch Program, and agrees to pay reasonable costs for <br />placement of the signs as recommended by the Sheriff's Department. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Councilman McAllister suggested that. the City staff coordinate use of tl-i,._ <br />City Hall for this program, if needed. <br />ORI I i'dANC:EAt �E i`1Li i. tJCE C:HAPT'ER 40=12 QE= i`:;1.i.,i Ct.';y. <br />In an effort to clarify the City's policies and ordinances regarding <br />mobile homes and manufactured housing in the City of Hugo, City staff <br />prepared an amendment to Chapter 40 of the municipal code deleting the <br />language dealing with transient Housing. This ordinance affects mobile <br />and manufactured homes outside of approved mobile home parkas, and <br />clarifies the minimum standards for these types of structures. This <br />ordinace also eliminates references to watchman's quarters as identified <br />in 40--1.2, Subd. E. <br />McAllister mad= motion,,inski seconded, 'I:'.o adopt'. ORDINANCE 198 -.=61, AN <br />ORDINANCE I NANCE AME.I' DIN CHAPTER 40 CIE THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "BUILDINGS <br />.,.,:-. CONSTRUCTION-, It`d ARTICLE 1 I I , SECTION 40 -ENTITLED <br />