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1989.12.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1989 CC Minutes
1989.12.04 CC Minutes
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/5J <br />City Council meeting of December 4, 1989 <br />Page .. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT (D. SANTANNI) <br />Mr. Dan Santanni of 1019 W. Sherren Street, Roseville, MN., has applied to <br />the City of Hugo for an amended Special Use Permit to construct a 50' <br />81' accessory storage building on his property described as the E 1/2. of <br />the NE 1/4 of Section 33, T31N, R21W, Washington County, MN. The property <br />in question is located off 15th Street, north of the Dellwood Ridge <br />subdivision. Earlier this year, the City Council approved a SUP <br />authorizing Mr. Santanni to construct a 40' ; 54' pole barn in an <br />agricultural zone prior to construction of a principal residence. Said <br />approval by the City Council was subject to ten special conditions of <br />which Mr. Santanni is objecting to Items 1, 5, 6, and 7 in that permit. He <br />is requesting that the amended SUP allow for a larger structure and that <br />the four special conditions of the previous permit be eliminated. Mr. <br />Santanni has indicated that the property in question, currently zoned <br />agricultural, is Bis acres in size and is being farmed. He has repeatedly <br />emphasized, at both Planning Commission and Council meetings, that this <br />building will be used for farming purposes only, and that the City need <br />not be concerned about other commercial or industrial uses on site; <br />therefore, there is no need for periodic inspection by the City or the <br />required building permit. Despite Mr. Santanni's earlier position that he <br />needs this expanded storage space on site to get his hay and equipment <br />stored indoors, he is objecting to Item #6 which requires that his farm <br />equipment and materials not be stored outside of the building. At the <br />November 215 1989 regular meeting of the Hugo Planning Commission, a <br />public hearing was held to secure input on this request. During the <br />course of a lengthy public hearing, the Planning Commission exhibited its <br />concern regarding Mr. Santanni's reluctance to allow the staff to inspect <br />the site to assure compliance with this permit. Mr. Santanni stated that <br />he feels his constitutional rights are being violated if the City is <br />allowed to inspect his property at reasonable times. At the conclusion of <br />the public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the <br />50' x 81' accessory storage building prior to the residential structure, <br />and made the following recommendations regarding amendments to the <br />previous SUP: Item 1 of the previous permit be deleted, and Item 6 be <br />amended to read as follows: No exterior storage of equipment or <br />materials, other than for farming on this site, be permitted. <br />Mr. Santanni was present at the greeting, and again stated that he was <br />opposed to Item 5, which requires a letter of credit be posted should the <br />property be subdivided, and Item 7, which allows a representative of the <br />City of Hugo be allowed access to the site, at reasonable times, to assure <br />compliance with the permit. Mr. Santanni again stated that it was his <br />opinion that Item 7 was a violation of his constitutional rights. Mr. <br />Santanni was also concerned that potential future property owners, should <br />he decide to subdivide, would be made aware of the conditions of this <br />;permit, as these conditions would be recorded at Washington Counts,. <br />McAllister made motion, Vail. seconded, to approve the application of Dan <br />Santanni for an amended Special Use Permit to construct. a 50' t 81' <br />accessory storage: bui.l.dinq, prior to the construction of a principal <br />structt..tre, on his property described as the E 1/2- of the NE 1/4 of Section <br />_: ,T -31N, R 1W, Washington County, MN. Approval. of this amended SUP is <br />4Ublect to the following special. conditions: <br />
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