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/ S-,;2, <br />City Council meeting o•f December 4, 1989 <br />Rage 4 <br />1. The site shall. be properly staE::ed, and the building shall be located <br />where it is shown on the site plan. <br />2. The building shall be used for storage of crop/grain and farm <br />equipment only. <br />3. The building shall not be used for commercial or recreational <br />activities of any kind or in conjunction with the ZAP Games previously <br />permitted on the north 40 acres of the site in question. <br />4. If the owner initiates any action to subdivide all or a portion of the <br />80 acre site described, he shall be required to post a $3,000 letter <br />of credit with the City, assuring that a residential structure would <br />be constructed on the site where the proposed building will. exist. <br />Said construction will take place within three (3) years of the <br />submitted letter of credit. <br />5. No exterior storage of equipment or materials, other than for farming <br />on this site, be permitted. <br />6. Representatives of the City shall be allowed access to the site, at <br />reasonable times, to assure compliance with this permit. <br />7. The site shall be consolidated into a single eo acre tract. <br />8. Violations of this SUP will result in the review of this SUP and <br />possible revocation of same. <br />9. The SUP issued for ZAP Games, Inc., shall be revoked, and no further <br />commercial, recreational activity be conducted on this property. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Site Flan Approval (J.R. Johnson Supply) <br />On behalf of the J.R. Johnson Supply CO., Mr. Rick: Johnson has made <br />application to the City of Hugo for site plan approval to allow for the <br />construction of four 30' X 96' greenhouses at 4860 No. Frenchman Rd. The <br />property in question is located at the northeast corner of County State <br />Aid Highway 8 and Everton Ave. No. The site contains approximately 7(--} <br />acres, and is currently zoned concentrated business. In 1984, the City <br />Council issued a special use permit authorizing the construction of <br />greenhouses for the type of land use being proposed. In 1.9871 the City <br />approved a site plan for the existing development. The applicants are now <br />requesting an expansion of their greenhouse facilities to accommodate the <br />growing of flowers and plants. Although the review of this request <br />indicates that there seems to be no major problem with the proposed use in <br />question, it should be pointed out that the actual facilities constructed <br />under the 1987 site plan approval were not built as proposed on the <br />approved site plan. The applicants installed a private driveway to their <br />current facility on Everton Avenue without the proper permits, and did not <br />locate the buildings as originally shown on the site plan. Also involved <br />in this development was the construction of two large liquid storage tanks <br />which were built without City approval and were not shown on the original <br />site plan. It would appear that the applicants feel that once they get <br />site plan approval they can put the buildings anywhere they choose and <br />develop the site in any manner without regard for compliance with said <br />plan. The installation of the .large fuel storage tanks were not a part of <br />the original special use permit nor proposed as a part of the site plan <br />approval in 1987. It is the staff's feeling the City should have been <br />notified of the installation of these tanks and a special use permit <br />should have been secured for allowing this type of structure in a <br />concentrated business one. <br />