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1987.01.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1987 CC Minutes
1987.01.20 CC Minutes
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City Council
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10 <br />January 20, 1987 <br />and Esther Weigel for use of the property at the above referenced address. The <br />City Clerk has indicated that Mr. Schloer has provided all of the necessary bonds <br />and insurance as required. The Washington County Sheriff's Office has done a back- <br />ground investigation on the applicant, and has indicated they have no reason to <br />recommend denial of the license application as submitted. The City Council should <br />be aware that, currently, there is an on -sale liquor license available in the city <br />as Esther Weigel did not renew her liquor licenses for operation of Jagdwild's for <br />the 1987 calendar year. List of licenses to be issued: off -sale intoxicating <br />liquor, on -sale intoxicating liquor, on -sale Sunday liquor, cigarette, and billiard <br />license, totaling fees paid $1817.00. We would recommend approval of the above <br />referenced licenses as requested subject to payment of any delinquent taxes, and <br />utility bills on the property in question, as well as compliance with all require- <br />ments of the municipal code. <br />Motion made by Vail, Peltier seconded, that the City of Hugo issue the following <br />licenses to Ronald J. Schloer to operate R.J.'s Restaurant and Lounge at 13891 <br />Forest Boulevard, Hugo, Minnesota: off -sale intoxicating liquor, on -sale intoxi- <br />cating liquor, on -sale Sunday liquor , cigarette, and billiard. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mayor Atkinson asked that Attorney Johnson provide the Council with guidelines <br />regarding when they should be considering possible rejection of an application <br />for on -sale liquor license. Johnson stated that he would look into it and respond <br />at a later date. <br />7.A. Street Light Request (Mike Dietch) <br />On behalf of Glamos Wire Products, Mr. Mike Dietch has formally requested installa- <br />tion of a street light at the intersection of 152nd Street and Francesca Avenue. <br />Currently there are two street lights within one-half block from said intersection. <br />The generally accepted practive of most municipalities is that street lights be <br />located at intersections as opposed to mid -blocks unless there are large volumes <br />of traffic in the mid -block, and the blocks are well in excess of 1,000 feet in <br />length. It is generally not an acceptable practice to install street lights for <br />the purposes of providing security lighting nor is it desirable to locate three <br />street lights within one-half block of one another. In reviewing this site, there <br />appear to be several alternatives that the City Council may want to consider: <br />(1) recommend installation of additional security lights on the Glamos Wire Products <br />site, (2) relocate the existing street light to the intersection in question at the <br />owner's expense, (3) install new street lights as requested, and (4) leave the <br />street lighting as currently exists. It would run the city approximately $300 to <br />have a new street light installed at the intersection in question. The $300 would <br />merely be the installation cost. The city will have an ongoing expense of lighting <br />the street in question in the years to come. We have asked the on -duty (night shift) <br />deputy sheriff to review the intersection in question and indicate any concerns he <br />may have regarding traffic safety at said intersection. <br />After discussion of the possible solutions to Mr. Dietch's request, the following <br />motion was made: <br />Motion made by Atkinson, Peltier seconded, that the City Council deny the request for <br />a new street light at the intersection in question but allowing for the following: <br />1. If Mr. Dietch wishes to have the one pole in question moved easterly <br />approximately 150 feet to cover the intersection in question, at his expense, <br />the city would not object. The city would continue maintenance <br />of the street light in its new location. <br />
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