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1987.01.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1987 CC Minutes
1987.01.20 CC Minutes
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11 <br />January 20, 1987 <br />2. At some time in the future, the one mid -block pole on Francesca Avenue riiay <br />be moved to the south end of that deadend street. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, Potts seconded, that the city authorize the installation of <br />a STOP SIGN at the intersection of 152nd Street and Francesca regulating north bound <br />traffic on Francesca. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />7.B. Hospital Board Appointment <br />Currently Mr. Roy Brisson serves as Hugo's elected representative to the District <br />Memorial Hospital. Although Mr. Brisson was elected to a new four-year term, he has <br />indicated he does not wish to serve after January of this year. Mayor Atkinson has <br />indicated he will be in contact with several individuals regarding possible interest <br />in serving on this board, and hopefully will have a recommendation available to the <br />City Council Tuesday evening. <br />Mayor Atkison stated that after interviewing the new applicants for the Planning <br />Commission vacancies, Mike Perreault stated his interest in filling the Hospital <br />Board vacancy after Mr. Brisson's resignation. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, Peltier seconded, that the City of Hugo recommends that <br />Mr. Mike Perreault be appointed to serve as Hugo's representative on the District <br />Memorial Hospital Board, and that the City Administrator write a letter to the <br />Board noting the Council's recommendation. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />7.C. Planning Commission Appointments <br />Effective December 31, 1986, there were three vacancies on the Hugo Planning Commission. <br />As a result of these vacnacies, there are two 4 -year terms and one 2 -year term open <br />for appointment. Approximately seven individuals have provided letters of interest <br />regarding possible appointment to the Planning Commisison. The Mayor and a volunteer <br />committee held interviews on January 12th and 14th with individuals indicating an <br />interest in serving on the Commission. It is hoped that, the committee will be pro- <br />viding the City Council with some names for appointment to the Commission this <br />evening. The six individuals intereviewed were as follows: James Johnson -13775 <br />Isleton, Dennis Schreifels -13125 Goodview, Richard Senkler -12967 Ingersoll, Chuck <br />Henry -17493 Henna, Thomas Jesinski-7039 165th Street, and Mike Perrault -17803 Henna. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, that the following appointments be made to <br />the Hugo Planning Commission: Dennis Schreifels (two year term), Richard Senkler (four <br />year term), and Thomas Jesinski (four year term). <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />7.D. Board of Zoning Adjustment and Appeals <br />As per the municipal code, the City Council is required to appoint a Board of Zoning <br />Adjustment and Appeals consisting of one member of the City Council, one member of <br />the Planning Commission, and one resident -at -large. The City Council did appoint <br />members to said Board several years ago, however, no appointments were made in 1986. <br />Primary purpose of the Board is two -fold: (1) to review any potential error or <br />
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