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26 <br />March 2, 1987 <br />6.5A Rezoning Request - Forest Lake State Bank <br />On behalf of Forest Lake State Bank, Mr. J.R. Harding has made application to <br />the City of Hugo rezone an 8.9 acre tract of land from Agriculture to Retail <br />Business. The property in question is located near the northeast corner of <br />Highway 61 and 170th Street North, and is generally described as part of the <br />SEr of Section 5, T31N, R21W. The property contains approximately 308 feet of <br />frontage on U.S. HIghway 61 and approximately 571 feet on 170th Street. The <br />property abutts AG zones on the east, west, and south. Zoning district to <br />the north are AG and RB. Mr. Harding has indicated that there is no specific <br />proposal for development on this land, and that the bank if taking a position <br />that the highest and best use of this property would be retail business. The <br />uses permitted in an RB district are offices, business schools, medical uses, <br />photographers studios, retail florists, beauty and barber shops, libraries, <br />urban agricultural, and retail shopping. Special uses permitted in an RB zone <br />can be found in the city Zoning Ordinance 320-4, Subd. J-3. The proposed <br />rezoning to RB appears to be somewhat consistent with other development to the <br />north. The Hugo Planning Commission held a public hearing regarding this <br />matter on Wednesday, February 25, 1987, and said Commission recommended to <br />deny the rezoning in question. Reasons cited by the PC for supporting and <br />opposing were as follows: <br />Arguments agairst rezonin <br />1. Commercial at this location will generate more traffic at an already hazardous <br />intersection. <br />2. There is no specific development proposed for the site in question. <br />3. There is no need for additional commercial development along Highway 61 <br />north of the central business district. <br />4. A plan for developing this property for industrial purposes was denied <br />previously by the Planning Commission and City Council. <br />Arguments supporting rezoning <br />1. No residential development is likely to occur on this site. <br />2. There is already retail business in this area and adjacent to the site in <br />question. <br />3. Highway 61 is the logical place for commercial development in Hugo. <br />4. The site is too small to be developed for agricultural purposes. <br />There were residents from the area in question who appeared at the Planning <br />Commission and spoke for and against this rezoning request. <br />Councilman Potts did not object to the rezoning request and felt that the RB <br />district would be a good use for the property. Councilmen Vail and Olson felt <br />the city should have some definite plans for development prior to rezoning, <br />and that the city should not rezone down more than one level. <br />Motion made by Potts, Atkinson seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 1987-243, AN ORDINANCE <br />AMENDING CHAPTER 320 OF THE HUGO CITY CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION <br />OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY. <br />VOTING AYE: Peltier, Potts, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: Olson, Vail <br />Motion Failed. <br />