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67 <br />June 1, 1987 <br />130th Street pursuant to the Minnesota Public Improvement Code. The petition appears <br />to satisfy minimum requirements for requesting this improvement. If the City Council <br />wishes to pursue this request, the appropriate action would be to accept the petition <br />and order preparation of a feasibility report by the city engineer. <br />Dr. Robert Anderson, 12877 Homestead Drive, was present to review some comments/con- <br />cerns/questions residents of Homestead Drive regarding this petition: residents would <br />like the stretch of 125th Street from County Road 10 to Homestead Drive included in <br />the project; residents agree that the assessment for the project should be shared <br />equally per lot and not assessed by front footage, and they hoped the city could <br />bear some of the cost of the 125th Street portion of the project. Dr. Anderson <br />also stated that Dr. Claudon, Lot 18, was not interested in the project and blacktop <br />would not have to be extended past his lot. Attorney Johnson mentioned that main- <br />taining the small portion of the road that would remain gravel would not be very <br />prudent. Administrator Huber stated that all these matters could be discussed at <br />a later date. He also stated that under Chapter 429 you cannot expand on a project <br />area once petitioned, but can reduce the size (comment relative to the inclusion of <br />125th Street in the project). <br />Motion made by Atkinson, Potts seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1987-36, A RESOLUTION <br />DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT FOR HOMESTEAD <br />DRIVE/SUNSET LAKE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />improvement of <br />The Council then discussed the ordering of a feasibility study for/125th Street <br />from County Road 10 to Homestead Drive to include in the Homestead Drive project. <br />The city might have to bear the cost of the feasibility study should the project not <br />materialize. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, Vail seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1987-37, A RESOLUTION <br />ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR 130TH STREET AND 125TH <br />STREET/SUNSET LAKE. <br />VOTING AYE: Potts, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: Peltier <br />Motion Carried. <br />7.E Special Use Permit/Variance Request (Wm. Wunderlich) <br />Mr. William Wunderlich has made application to the City of Hugo for a SUP to allow <br />for construction of a 40' x 48' accessory building on his property in an agricultural <br />district. The property consists of approximately 10 acres that is generally <br />described as part of Section 14, T31N, R21W aka 15939 Ingersoll Avenue North. The <br />total square footage of allowable accessory buildings in this zoning district is 3,600 <br />square feet for lots less than 20 acres. This request by Mr. Wunderlich will allow <br />for the construction of the building between the house and Ingersoll Avenue exceeding <br />the 3600 sq ft limit. Mr. Wunderlich also needs a variance to place the building <br />closer to the road than the principal building. Mr. Wunderlich operates a kennel on <br />site, and the parking area is located nearer the road than the home. He indicated <br />that constructing the building in question behind his home would interfer with the <br />septic system and drainfield on site. At the Planning Commission meeting of 5/11/87, <br />action was taken recommending approval of the SUP/variance subject to 13 special <br />conditions. Mr. Wunderlich indicated he would have no problem complying with the <br />conditions. This matter was considered by the City Council at their meeting of 5/18/87 <br />at which time there was a 4/5's Council present. There was a motion for approval of <br />