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Me. <br />June 1, 1987 <br />the requests followed:by a split vote, and the motion for approval failed. Because <br />the requestsfor SUP/variance were not denied, the applicant was able to bring these <br />matters before the Council for further consideration. Mr. Wunderlich provided <br />the Council with a better site plan and a more detailed analogy for the need for <br />the variance. <br />Motion made by Peltier, Vail seconded, to approve the SUP and variance for William <br />Wunderlich to allow for the construction of a 40' x 48' accessory building which <br />would exceed the 3,600 square feet allowed, between the house and Ingersoll Avenue. <br />The property is generally described as part of Section 14, T31N, R21W aka 15939 <br />Ingersoll Avenue. The approval is subject to the following 12 special conditions: <br />1. Any and all conditions of this SUP must be met within 90 days, unless otherwise <br />stipulated in this permit. If these conditions are not met,this permit will <br />be null and void. <br />2. A building permit must be applied for within 120 days of permit approval, and <br />substantial construction of any building or improvements must be underway <br />within 120 days of permit issuance. <br />3. Property lines must be identified on site by the applicant to assure proper <br />setbacks when buildings are to be constructed. <br />4. Any commercial or industrial use of said property, not specifically permitted <br />in the zoning district by the city zoning ordinance, shall be strictly prohibited. <br />5. All driveways built over ditches or drainage areas must include installation <br />of a 15" corrugated metal culvert installed in a manner acceptable to the city. <br />6. No building permits will be issued until the required permits are secured <br />from the appropriate watershed district, where applicable. <br />7. No significant deviations from the approved site plan shall be permitted unless <br />reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council, followed by an amended <br />SUP. <br />8. All fees relating to the issuance of this permit shall be paid by the appli- <br />cant including the cost of recording this permit with Washington County. <br />9. Any exterior storage on site relating to activities of this SUP must be con- <br />fined to a fenced area approved by the city. Said fencing to be constructed <br />in a manner that will allow for screening from view of the general public. <br />10. No fences, structures, or vegetation may be placed in on-site easements. <br />11. Activities on site will not cause the altering of any watercourse, ditch, <br />or drainage system. <br />12. Property owner will provide access to the site for periodic inspections to <br />insure complaince with the SUP. <br />VOTING AYE: Peltier, Olson, Vail <br />VOTING NAY: Potts, Atkinson <br />Motion Carried. <br />8.A Request for Minor Subdivision (DesLauries/Iverson) <br />Messrs. Ron DesLauries and John Iverson have made application to the City of Hugo <br />to subdivide a 34.82 acre tract of land in an agriculture zone into three lots. <br />Mr. DesLauries has requested waiver of the formal subdivision requirements, and has <br />indicated that the preliminary survey will be revised to reflect his request. The <br />property in question is described as all that part of the SW4 of the NW1, Section 30, <br />T31N, R21W, Washington County, Minnesota, lying easterly of the centerline of <br />