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nel <br />August 3, 1987 <br />for construction of a dwelling with the exception of the one acre minimum lot <br />size. In reviewing the final survey submitted by Mr. Carlson, it should be <br />noted that there are some substantial differences in lot depth and shoreline <br />location from the preliminary survey sketch. The original preliminary survey <br />sketch showed a lot depth of approximately 170' with an additional 70+ feet <br />to the lake shoreline. The final certificate of survey shows a maximum lot <br />depth of approximately 146' from Everton Avenue to the Bald Eagle Lake shoreline. <br />Our intial review would indicate that if Mr. Carlson is to meet the minimum <br />required 100' building setback from Bald Eagle Lake, and construct a standard <br />building of approximately 24' in depth, the front of the building would be <br />located only 4' from the road right-of-way on the south property line. It would <br />appear to be virtually impossible for Mr. Carlson to construct a dwelling unit <br />on this site without variances from the front yard setback and lake setback <br />requirements, when considering the lot depth changes from the preliminary survey <br />to the final survey. It should also be noted that the applicant must maintain <br />a minimum of 100' setback from shoreline in constructing an approved septic <br />system to serve any dwelling units on site. In an effort to demonstrate that <br />Parcel "B" of the certificate of survey is a buildable site, Mr. Carlson has <br />provided a sketch showing how a 24 x 34 home could be constructed on site. Mr. <br />Carlson has also provided a sketch prepared by Mr. Mark Peloquin showing how a <br />mound septic system can be located south of the proposed home. This septic <br />system was reviewed by the city engineer for his recommendations. The <br />sketch prepared by Mr. Carlson shows the house meeting the 100' setback require- <br />ment from the lake; however, it reflects only a 12' front yard setback from the <br />east property line. Mr. Carlson would need a variance from the front yard <br />setback allowing him to construct a home that would line up with homes both <br />north and south of the site in question. If the City Council approves the <br />survey, we would recommend it be done subject to the recommendations of the <br />city engineer and compliance with the sideyard setbacks, 100' setback from the <br />lake shoreline, as well as the ability to install an approved septic system not <br />of the holding tank type. <br />City Administrator, Ken Huber, received a call from the city engineer, this date, <br />with his recommendations for Parcel "B" should the Council approve the subdivision. <br />Mr. Huber reviewed the six conditions with the Council. <br />Peltier made motion, Olson seconded, to approve certificate of survey #8-3-87A <br />for the Lynn and Karen Carlson subdivision, waiver of the formal platting pro- <br />cedure, and two variances (lot area and front yard setback) for the following <br />described parcel of land: Lots 1 through 6, Block 10, Shadyside X64, Washington <br />County, Minnesota. Approval is subject to the following conditions: <br />1. No fill or buildings be allowed below the 913' elevation. <br />2. The well must be 50' from the septic system and 5' from the property line. <br />3. The septic system and house must be 100' from the Bald Eagle Lake shoreline. <br />4. The applicant shall submit a contour mep_of the site showing the mound septic <br />system designed prior to building permit. No holding tank will be permitted. <br />5. The house shall be located no closer to the road than the closest house <br />either side of ParcQl B. <br />6. There shall be no variance from the rear yard setback or side yard setback. <br />COUNCILMAN POTTS ARRIVED AT 7:15 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />