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1987.08.03 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1987 CC Minutes
1987.08.03 CC Minutes
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95 <br />August 3, 1987 <br />7.B Minor Subdivision (Vern Peloquin) <br />Mr. Vern Peloquin has made application to the City of Hugo for a minor subdivision <br />and waiver of the formal platting requirements for a .13 acre tract of land iden- <br />tified as a part of the SE4 of Section 17, T31N, R21W, Washington County. The <br />property in question is located east of Highway 61 immediately north of the Twin <br />Pine Trailer Court. The property is approximately 15.3' wide and 375' deep. The <br />Planning Commission has recommended approval of the survey and the preliminary <br />survey was subsequently approved by the City Council. We would recommend approval <br />of the final survey subject to compliance with any conditions. <br />Peltier made motion, Potts seconded, to approve certificate of survey #8-3-87B for <br />the Vern Peloquin subdivision and waiver of the formal platting procedure for the <br />following described parcel of land: Part of the SE4 of Section 17, T31N, R21W, <br />Washington County. Approval is subject to the following special conditions: <br />1. All conditions must be met prior to stamping of any deeds for recording by <br />the City Clerk unless otherwise permitted by Council action. <br />2. All fees relating to this subdivision approval shall be paid by the applicant <br />including recording documents with Washington County. <br />3. On-site activities permitted as a result of this subdivision shall not cause <br />the altering of any watercourse, ditch, or drainage system in this area. <br />4. No dwelling unit shall be permitted on this .13 acre tract of land unless this <br />entire building site meets the minimum width, depth, and lot area for the <br />zoning district. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.A Special Use Permit (Krueger/Molitor) <br />Messrs. Chris Molitor and Stanford Krueger have made application to the City of <br />Hugo to allow construction of a 50' x 80' pole building (accessory building) in <br />an agriculture zone prior to construction of the principal building. Section 320-5, <br />Subd. H(1) of the zoning ordinance permits the construction of an accessory <br />building in a zoning district prior to a principal building by Special Use Permit. <br />The property in question consists of 40 acres and is identified as the NW4 of the <br />NE4 of Section 33, T31N, R21W, and was purchased on a contract for deed by Mr. <br />Stanford Krueger from Chris Molitor. Mr. Krueger states that it is his intent <br />to farm the,property in question and construct a pole building to house his <br />tractor and other fram equipment while operating, what he calls, a "gentleman's <br />farm". Mr. Krueger has stated that he has no plans to subdivide the 40 acres <br />in question, and has indicated that the property owner to the west of the site <br />has indicated his interest in extending 130th Street to the east at some time <br />in the future. At the Planning Commission meeting of July 22, 1987, Mr. Krueger <br />stated his plans are to construct a new home on the site in question either <br />this fall or some time in 1988. In 1986, the Hugo City Council entertained a <br />similar request to build an accessory building in advance of the principal <br />structure subject to special conditions of the permit. In the previous case, <br />the City Council required that a financial guarantee be posted by the applicant <br />guaranteeing that a home would be constructed prior to July 1,1987. The city <br />also required that no further subdivision of the property be permitted while <br />the permit was in effect. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the <br />SUP at their meeting of July 22, 1987 subject to certain conditions. Mr. Krueger <br />provided the city with a copy of a recorded 66'/easement assuring him permanent <br />access to the property in question. private roadway <br />
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