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126 <br />Q.J__BQQkUTION SETTING BUILDING PERMIT FEES <br />As per Council direction, the staff has reviewed the building permit fee <br />schedules of surrounding communities to see how they compare with the fees <br />charged in the City of Hugo. It has been several years since the city has <br />adjusted its permit fee schedule. Currently, the city uses the 1982 UBC <br />schedule as modified. We are recommending that the city adopt the 1985 <br />UBC schedule effective January 1, 1988. <br />Olson made motion, Potts seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1987-53, A RESOLU- <br />TION SETTING BUILDING PERMIT FEES' <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.4 AUTHORIZE COMPUTER UTILITY BILLING <br />Deputy City Clerk, Carole LaBelle, has now indicated she is familiar <br />enough with the computer and the city's utility billing system to pursue <br />computerizing said system' Our utility billing is fairly simple as it <br />does not involve electric distribution, and we should be able to implement <br />the system fairly economically. There are approximately 42 small cities <br />in the State of Minnesota who utilize the ISAAC utility billing program <br />designed for communities like the City of Hugo. There is no charge for <br />the software, and the charge for training/technical assistance and setting <br />up our utility billing would be approximately $1,000. We are requesting <br />Council authorization to proceed with the mechanization of our utility <br />billing and enter into an agreement with ISAAC and their vendor to use <br />their utility billing program and technical assistance' <br />Vail made motion, Olson seconded, authorizing the City Administrator to <br />proceed with computerization of the city's utility billing system, in the <br />amount of approximately $1,000.00 <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.5 APPOINTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AUDITORS <br />We are in receipt of a letter from Pannell Kerr Forster who have again <br />indicated an interest in providing audit services for the City of Hugo for <br />the 1987 fiscal year. They have indicated the cost of the audit will be <br />approximately $8,300. It is important that the city appoint an auditor at <br />this time so that a preaudit can be performed in December with the final <br />audit being conducted after the first of the year. <br />Potts made motion, Peltier seconded, that the City of Hugo enter into an <br />agreement with Pannell Kerr Forster to perform the City of Hugo's audit <br />for the 1987 fiscal year. <br />All aye' Motion Carried. <br />