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151 <br />Atkinson made motion, Peltier seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1987-6.?, <br />RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING WATER SERVICE RATES. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.9 APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION (FRED SUESS <br />Mr. Tom Caruth and Mr. Frederick: Suess have made application to the City <br />of Hugo for subdivision of approximately 58.5 acres into two lots, one of <br />10 acres in size and one of 48.5 acres. The property in question is <br />generally described as the E 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 <br />of Section 8, T31N, R21W, except that part described as follows: The west <br />721' of the north 1201.65' of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 8, T31N, <br />R21W. The applicant has requested waiver of the formal subdivision <br />requirement to divide his property by certificate of survey. Both the <br />Planning Commission and the City Council have approved the preliminary <br />survey for this subdivision. The final survey is virtually identical to <br />the preliminary survey previously approved. We recommend that approval of <br />the subdivision be subject to the special conditions listed at the time of <br />preliminary approval. <br />Peltier made motion, Olson seconded, to approve certificate of survey <br />#12-7-87 for Tom Caruth and Frederico: Suess, waiver of the formai platting <br />procedure, for the following described parcel of land: E 1/2 of the SW <br />1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 8, T31N, R21W, except that part <br />described as follows: The west 721' of the north 1201.65' of the NE 1/4 <br />of the SW 11/4 of Section 8, T31N, R21W. Approval is subject to the <br />following conditions: <br />1. All property lines must be identified on site by the applicants to <br />insure property setbacks when buildings are to be constructed if <br />required by the building inspector. <br />2. All driveways and drainage areas must include installation of minimum <br />15" diameter corrugated metal culverts in a manner acceptable to the <br />city. <br />3. On-site activities permitted as a result of this subdivision shall not <br />cause the altering of any watercourse, ditch, or drainage system in <br />this area. <br />4. All fees relating to the subdivision approval shall be paid by the <br />applicant including the cost of recording documents and parkland <br />dedication ($125.00). <br />5. There shall be no further subdivision of Parcel B without a formal <br />plat. <br />6. All of these conditions must be met before the stamping of any deeds <br />for recording by the City Clerk unless otherwise permitted by Council <br />action. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />9.1 PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICANTS <br />The city has received letters from three interested parties willing to <br />serve on the Hugo Planning Commission. Those applying to date are Debra <br />Barnes, Troy Sonnenfeld, and Bill Wolfe. The applicants are to be invited <br />to the PC meeting of 12/16/87 after which there will be a brief interview <br />conducted. <br />(COUNCILMEMBER THEODORA PELTIER LEFT THE COUNCIL MEETING - 8:45 PM.) <br />