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January 6, 1986 <br />It was the concensus of the Council that that course of action be taken. <br />6.2 Planning Commission <br />No discussion. <br />6.3 Building Inspector <br />No discussion. <br />ATTORNEY <br />Councilman Potts asked Attorney Johnson as to the status of Oneka Lake/Zaluckyj <br />matter. Johnson stated that he had recently received correspondence from Zaluckyj's <br />attorney stating that Wld consider signing a "proper" hold harmless and allow <br />the City to enter the Zaluckyj for surveying purposes. It was Johnson's hope <br />that they could resolve any differences outside the court system. <br />A-4 C1Prk <br />MOTION: Potts made motion, Peltier seconded, to improve an extension for the Leo <br />Lutz Special Use Permit until June 30, 1986, as requested. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that the Building Inspector <br />be directed to visit the LaMetti & Sons property and report to City <br />Council as to the status of the mobile home on the property. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />George Atkinson made convent that he would prefer to have pull -tab operations <br />within city benefit a local organization rather than someone from out-of-town. <br />He also discussed the fire hazard in Evergreen Hills because of the large number <br />of pine trees in the area. The Fire Chief stated that legally you cannot burn <br />pine debris, but that the FD could burn for drill purposes. Schwab stated that <br />he believed most residents would gladly pay to have have debris burned on a local <br />property owner's land. Schwab, Atkinson, and Fire Chief to work together to try <br />and set something up. <br />Fin- Chief <br />The chief discussed the possibility of the volunteers receiving hepatitis shots <br />at a cost of $160.00/man or $4320.00/total. This was a price received from the <br />Hugo Medical Clinic, and city would have to make a formal conui.tment to the clinic <br />before they would order the series. Schwab stated that he would like to see <br />some background information on hepatitis prior to making a decision. McAllister <br />advised Ron to inquire as to whether Dr. Mayer would be able to attend the next <br />Council meeting (6:15 PM) to advise the Council. The Fire Department will be <br />taking a CPR refresher course this Saturday, and the Fire Chief will be observing <br />to see how District Memorial conducts the lesson. <br />CHARITABLE GAMBLING <br />The City has received copies of applications for pull -tabs operations for the <br />City of Hope and to be conducted at Ricci's and the Blacksmith Lounge. The appli- <br />cations are officially submitted to the Charitable Gambling Control Board, and the <br />city is provided copies of same. <br />