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/ / 1Z October 6, 1986 <br />MOTION: Schwab made motion, Potts seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1986-19, A RESO- <br />LUTION REDUCING BY $28,600.00 THE TAXES LEVIED FOR COLLECTION OF SANITARY <br />SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />MOTION: Potts made motion, McAllister seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1986-20, A <br />RESOLUTION CERTIFYING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT 8102 IN THE BALD <br />EAGLE INDUSTRIAL PARK. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MOTION: Peltier made motion, Schwab seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1986-21, A RESO- <br />LUTION CERTIFYING DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS FOR PLACEMENT ON THE 1987 TAX ROLLS. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CITY ADMINISTRATOR <br />This segment of the meeting was reserved for interviewing the three finalists for <br />the City Administrator position: Ken Huber, Monte Eastvold, and Mark Nagel. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Hauer seconded, authorizing the Mayor and City <br />Clerk to execute a contract between Mr. Ken Huber and the City of Hugo <br />with the following information being inserted in the EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT: <br />$33,400.00 salary, 4.25% retirement, 10 days vacation, 10 sick days <br />(vacation and sick days per year during life of contract), six months <br />severance pay, and $500.00 relocation expenses. <br />Should Mr. Huber reject the contract, Mayor and City Clerk are authorized <br />to offer and execute a contract with Mark Nagel. <br />VOTING FOR: Hauer, Schwab, McAllister <br />VOTING AGAINST: Peltier, Potts <br />Motion Carried. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Hauer seconded, authorizing the Mayor and City <br />Clerk to execute a contract between Mr. Mark Nagel and the City of Hugo <br />withthe following information being inserted in the EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT: <br />$32,000 salary, 4.25% retirement, 10 days vacation, 10 sick days (vacation <br />and sick days per year during life of contract), and six months severance pay. <br />VOTING FOR: Hauer, Schwab, McAllister <br />VO'T'ING AGAINST: Peltier, Potts <br />Motion Carried. <br />HARSTAD AND ASSOCIATES <br />Mr. Wedell, representing Harstad & Associates, was present to discuss concerns he <br />has regarding their proposed development in the City of Hugo.. Mr. Wedell stated that <br />his firm has no problem with the City developing the specs for the city improvements, <br />but inquired whether that could work with the City Engineer as to the developer <br />they would utilize rather than the bid process. The City Engineer would remain <br />the inspection authority. <br />For the record, it was the consensus of the Council that at the appropriate time, <br />the City Engineer will design the specs and contract documents for all public <br />improvements in HUGO MEADOWS. Harstad and Associates will then seek bids from <br />private contractors, subject to City Engineer approval. <br />