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1985.01.21 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1985 CC Minutes
1985.01.21 CC Minutes
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11 <br />January 21, 1985 <br />5.4 Ken Krahn - Application for Temporary Mobile Home Permit <br />The public hearing to consider this matter was called to order at 7:50 PM. <br />Mr. Krahn is interested in purchasing the property located at 6316 170th Street, <br />contingent upon his being able to obtain a temporary mobile home permit, under the <br />hardship clause, to be used as a residence his mother and ailing father. Norm Soderman, <br />property owner to the south, inquired as what "temporary" meant, and what kind of <br />septic system would be used. Mr. Krahn stated that he had planned on adding on to the <br />existing system. Mrs. Sarvela submitted a letter voicing her objection to issuance <br />of any permit. The realtor submitted letter from other adjoining property owners <br />stating they had no objections. <br />MO'T'ION: Potts made motion, Schwab seconded, to table this matter until the applicant <br />brings in the necessary information on the existing septic system for review <br />by the City Engineer. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.2 Art Munger - Special Use Permit <br />Mr. Munger, 5311 165th Street, needs a Special Use Permit for the construction of an <br />accessory building that would exceed the 3600 square feet allowed for accessory storage. <br />MOTION: Potts made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the Special Use Permit for <br />Art Munger, to construct a pole barn as per the submitted site plan. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.3 Sandy Borndale - Special Use Permit <br />Mrs. Borndale, 16237 Harrow Avenue, has submitted a new proposal substantially downgraded-- <br />from <br />owngraded_from the original plan. The new plan would have no indoor ring, and the building <br />would 3600 square feet and house approximately 18 horses. Three letters were sub- <br />mitted7fhe Council stating their objections, but they were addressing the original <br />plan. Mr. William O'Mara, property owner to the north, stated that he strongly objected <br />to any horse shows. Mrs. Borndale stated that it was not her intent to hold many <br />shows, but would like to have that option. <br />MOTION: Potts made motion, Hauer seconded, to approve the Special Use Permit for <br />Sandy Borndale to construct a 3600 sq ft pole building for a horse riding <br />operation, and subject to the following conditions: <br />1. The City of Hugo does not relinquish any of its rights to any other govern- <br />mental agency for enforecment of this SUP. <br />2. The applicants shall familiarize themselves with any additional requirements <br />which may be placed upon them by other governmental agencies, such as, but <br />not limited to, the Rice Creek Watershed District, Minnesota PCA, etc. <br />3. The applicants' land shall be so arranged that no water runn-off will <br />enter upon a neighbor's land or flow towards or into Hardwood Creek. <br />4. Because of a high water table, adequate manure storage is difficult. <br />Therefore, a concrete (leakproof) storage area, suitable to the City <br />Engineer, shall be built and maintained for manure storage. <br />5. Disposal of manure will not be allowed on site, and the applicant shall <br />provide to the City of Hugo, a signed contract with a manure removal con- <br />tractor who shall remove manure on a weekly basis. A current contract shall <br />remain in force at all times. <br />
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