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July 1, 1985 <br />5.2 James Leroux - Renew Mobile Home Permit <br />Matter to be placed on agenda for meeting of July 15th. <br />5.3 Jean Turner - Site Plan Approval <br />MOTION: Potts made motion, Hauer seconded, to approve the Site Plan for Jean <br />Turner, 17950 Keystone Avenue, for the construction of a 42 x 60 pole <br />building for her personal use. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.5 Fred Hummel - Site Plan Approval <br />MOTION: Potts made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the Site Plan for Fred <br />Hummel, 7225 Oneka Lake Boulevard, for the construction of a 32 x 50 <br />pole building for his personal use. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />6.0 REPORTS OF OFFICERS & COMMITTEES <br />6.1 Ordinance Committee <br />The committee is close to completion of the zoning ordinance change relative to earth <br />type buildings. They will now be working on the new subdivision ordinance. <br />6.2 Planning Commission <br />Mayor McAllister presented out -going Planning Chairman, Ken Lorch, with a plague <br />representing appreciation from the city for his years of service to the city. He <br />will resign effective the end of the Planning Commission meeting of July 10th. <br />Mayor McAllister appointed George Atkinson to serve as the Planning Commission <br />chairman, effective July 11, 1985. The rest of the Council agreed with the appointment. <br />6.3 Building Inspector <br />Tom Crever stated that the Texan Bar still does not have a completed Certificate of <br />Occupancy. A partial certificate has already been issued. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Pelthr seconded, that the City send a certified <br />letter to Will Harris, Texan Bar, and signed by the Building Inspector, <br />stating that the rear portion of his building cannot be used until a final <br />Certificate of Occupany has been issued. Any violation is a misdemeanor <br />and will be prosecuted. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Crever stated that a resident has constructed a fence with barbwire in a residential <br />zone. Attorney Johnson will research to determine if there is a statute against such <br />a fence. <br />