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113 <br />November 4, 1985 <br />5.3 Public Hearing.- Revenue Sharing Funds <br />The public hearing was called to order at 7:38PM. There was9&blic comment regarding <br />the use of $18,060.00 in revenue sharing funds. <br />The public hearing was closed at 7:39 PM. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that the revenue sharing funds <br />be allocated as follows: $5,000.00 for building repairs, maintenance, and <br />construction - balance of $13,060.00 for streets and roads. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.2 Richard Kersten - Site Plan Approval <br />Mr. Kersten, owner of property at 5448 140th Street North, is proposing the con- <br />struction of a 12 x 40 addition to the east side of the existing building. The addi- <br />tion would be used for cold storage, and constructed of similar material and roof lines <br />to complement the existing building. <br />MOTION: Hauer made motion, Potts seconded, to approve the site plan for Richard <br />Kersten for the construction of a 12 x 40 addition to his existing to be <br />used for cold storage. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.4 Purchase of Pagers - Open Sealed Bids (7:45 PM) <br />Fire Chief, Ron Istvanovich, presented the Council with 3 bids listed as follows: <br />Capitol Electronics - $316.00/each <br />General Communications - $265.00/each <br />Motorola Radio - $335.00/each <br />Istvanovich stated that he likes the Motorola pager, and would like to purchase two <br />more. MOTION: Potts made motion, Peltier seconded, that the City of Hugo purchas2#41 ) <br />Motorola pagers at a cost of $335.00/each. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MOTION: Peltier made motion, Hauer seconded, that the City of Hugo grant a 90 day <br />leave -of -absence to Dan Tauer from the Hugo Fire Department. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Schwab seconded, that the City Clerk send a letter <br />to Thomas Clymer advising him that his position on the Fire Department is <br />terminated without prejudice. He may reapply at a later date. He may appeal <br />the Council's decision until December 2, 1985, at which time the decision <br />will be final. <br />All ayem Motion Carried. <br />