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7 <br /> January 17, 1983 <br /> • MOTION: Schwab made motion, Vail seconded, to accept Blacktopping's bid for snow <br /> removal at City Hall for $30.00/hour, 24 hour service. <br /> VOTING FOR: Schwab <br /> VOTING AGAINST: McAllister, Atkinson, Vail <br /> Motion Failed. <br /> Councilman Vail stated that he will talk to a representative of the Feed Mill regarding <br /> the service, or lack of, to the city. <br /> Fire Chief Istvanovich stated that he can obtain flags for the fire hydrants at $7.50 <br /> each in lots of 45. The City would require 41 . <br /> MO'T'ION: Vail made motion, Atkinson seconded, authorizing the Fire Chief to purchase <br /> flags for the fire hydrants in an amount not to exceed $350.00. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> The City received a letter from Cindi Sullivan, race director - Northeast YMCA, re- <br /> questing permission the use of Everton Avenue for a foot race on August 13, 1983, <br /> at 9:00 AM. She stated that they will be working with the Ramsey and Washington <br /> County Sheriff's Department for assistance with traffic control. <br /> MOTION: Vail made motion, Schwab seconded, to grant permission for the use of Everton <br /> Avenue for a foot race on August 13, 1983. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> The city received a bid from MAPSI for animal pickup with the City of Hugo. They <br /> would charge $30.00 per hour, one hour minimum until 3:30 PM each week day. After <br /> regular business hours and on weekends, the fee would still be $30.00 per hour, but <br /> with a two hour minimum. They would make a pickup upon a call from the Clerk's office, <br /> Washington County Sheriff's Office, and a member of the Council, and the animal would <br /> have to be confined. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Vail seconded, that the City Clerk respond to MAPSI <br /> and state that the City accepts their proposal, and clarify in our acceptance, <br /> that a dog catcher will only be dispatched upon request of the Washington <br /> County Sheriff's Office, the City Clerk's office, or a member of Hugo's <br /> City Council. A copy of the city's Ordinance is to be forwarded to MAPSI, <br /> stating that along with our acceptance of their offer, it is understood that <br /> they will comply with our ordinance. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 9.0 ATTORNEY AND ENGINEERR <br /> Mr. Johnson submitted his monthly report. In regard to the Comp Plan, Mayor McAllister <br /> stated that he will be meeting with Mr. Lockyear at a later date. <br /> MOTION: Vail made motion, Schwab seconded, to adjourn at 8:58 PM. <br /> Mot� 'ar�ed. <br /> Mary eager, Clerk De-A <br /> City ugo <br />